I would like to play sweetfx with dishonored but i keep getting the error " THe procedure entry point CreateDXGIFactory2 could not be located in the dynamic link C:WINDOWS/SYSTEM32?d3d11.dll" and i dont know how to fix. Help?
You need to use the ReShade version of SweetFX for Dx11 games on win8.1 and 10; that error occurs if you try to use the sweetFX 1.5.1 or lower on either system if you're trying to use DX11. I also assume you could use older SweetFX settings with the ReShade version.
Also Dishonored is a DX9 game, it should work fine with SweetFX 1.5.1 or lower. Dll needs to be named d3d9.
We've established that, DiVine.
Huh, I didn't know that. In that case, yes, you shouldn't get a d3d11 error because DirectX 11.0 isn't even involved. You must be using the wrong dll.