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by Rudy Reshade

Preset for DOOM (2016)
Created by deton24
Added Jan. 28, 2020
Updated 28 Jan 14:58 CET
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1J11l360l4r9boedJ4508-HrZjWcLQlnZ/view Mirror: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sgrkM7k_XtIlwGfNlknXBwgtybEvoCQC/view?usp=sharing The preset's entry reuploaded. ---------------------------------------------------- !!!!! - Make sure, that in the driver control panel RGB "Output Dynamic Range" is set to "Full" (0-255), rather than "Limited" (16-235). If the monitor has an ‘HDMI Black Level’, ‘HDMI RGB PC Range’ or similar option make sure this is also set to ‘Normal’, ‘High’, ‘Full’ or ‘RGB (0~255)’ rather than ‘Low’, ‘Limited’ or ‘RGB (16~235) - otherwise expect washed out colors. Calibrate your monitor: http://www.lagom.nl/lcd-test/black.php. Setting the proper black level is is particularly important. Preset is designed for the monitor white balance - 6500K and Gamma 2.2 !!! ---------------------------------------------------- Installation: - This is "all in one" pack, with the older ReShade dll (3.1.1). You don't need to install the latest version from the Reshade site (this preset is compatible only with 3.0 verion). - Copy all the files and folders to the "...SteamApps\common\DOOM" directory (i.e. where "DOOMx64.exe" can be found). - As always, correct the paths, in the "OpenGL32.ini", the Reshade dll (dxgi.dll) is reanamed to OpenGL32.dll. The paths for the shaders, textures and screenshots should look like this :"...SteamApps\common\DOOM\!_ReShade_Shaders", "...SteamApps\common\DOOM\!_ReShade_Textures", "...SteamApps\common\DOOM\!_ReShade_Screenshots". - Run the game. Press "Shift+F2". In the ReShade interface, switch to the Configuration mode if you want to tweak some shaders, or switch between the presets "on-the-fly". ---------------------------------------------------- The default keys shortcuts, all are customizable in the ReShade UI: Shift+F2 - ReShade Interface Del - Screenshot End - ReShade on/off * ( numeric kaypad ) - MartyMcFlyDOF on/off - ( numeric kaypad ) - Border on/off / ( numeric kaypad ) - MXAO on/off ----------------------------------------------------
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