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Auntie’s Succor

Created by MarvelousSagacity
Added Feb. 19, 2020
Updated 19 Feb 10:59 CET
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
The preset “Auntie’s Succor” for Shaolin vs Wutang gives the game a more theatrical look from cinema. It changes color, but I would not say this preset technically corrects color. The default color spectrum of the game is similar to the “Eastman Color” film technique used in older Martial Arts/Kung-Fu films by Shaw Brothers from the 1960’s and 1970’s. The default color is correct for capturing the look of film during that era; I would rather say this preset modernizes the color. In the future I may do another preset based on Eastman Color(Technicolor). The name of the preset “Auntie’s Succor” is a bit of a homage to the 1981 Shaw Brothers film “My Young Auntie” starring Kara Hui Ying/Kara Wai, who herself is in the game Shaolin vs Wutang under the name “Lotus Palm”. The name “Lotus Palm” is a reference to the 1980 film “Clan of the White Lotus”, where Kara Hui Ying (Without going too much into spoilers in case people are curious in seeing set film.) teaches Gordon Liu’s character a new technique of fighting, to stand a chance against the infamous and seemingly invulnerable “White Brows”(Bak Mei) portrayed by the actor Lo Lieh. The trailer for My Young Auntie can be seen here. https://youtu.be/UoREBihOGYA I personally adore the film for it’s unconventional themes and/or genres. It is not only a Kung-Fu film, it is a musical, comedy, and even has some elements from theater/broadway which one would not expect. I believe since it tries to blend these genres in one film, it may drive purist away on what is expected from more traditional Kung-Fu films; usually the tone of these films are more serious; though it can have humor, mainly it is here and there in parts of the film, not a central ploy during the entire film like My Young Auntie. It is not my absolute favorite Kung-Fu film, but I do enjoy it immensely. There are pictures from that film below in the gallery. After creating this preset for a game based on Kung-Fu films (Mainly from the 1970’s) I was curious to see how well it would look on actual Kung-Fu films; amazingly it looks quite well. I should not be surprised given that Eastman Color is a main visual theme of both; still different unforeseen variables could have thrown a wrench in things, but not this time. The users of this preset ultimately can be the final judge on how it looks in those films for themselves. The preset uses borders, but are smaller to accommodate people who play with Hud on, it does not overlap health bars, etc; ideally though I did make this preset in the mindset of Hud being off for more immersion. The default border value is “border_ratio=1.922000”. People who play with Hud off and want larger borders akin to ones found in film, change the value to “border_ratio=border_ratio=2.292200”. If one thinks that size blockades the view too much try the value “border_ratio=border_ratio=2.1071” for a balanced size between the values above. Here are examples of what the borders look like in game both with Hud on and off Hud On https://bit.ly/2uOWbY9 Hud Off https://bit.ly/39QDouh As I said above this preset modernizes color, here are examples of the color modification. Color 01 https://bit.ly/2P7p20z Color 02 https://bit.ly/3bORWfJ The preset helps with depth of field too, yet it is more noticeable in some stages over others. The same can be said with the improvement of lighting. DOF01 https://bit.ly/2HCz7yl DOF02 https://bit.ly/2P6GdQ2 DOF03 https://bit.ly/38H0m6U DOF04 https://bit.ly/38Gy6kP The preset uses four shaders: Layer Lut Smaa Border Layer and Lut files are below in the gallery, one lut file and 3 layer files; only one layer file is needed; choose the one near the resolution one plays at. The lut and layer files need to be installed first in the “Textures” folder located in the reshade-shaders folder, before using the preset; if one needs more detailed instructions of installation, check these preset links where more explanation is given. Resplendent Dynamism(Power Rangers- Battle for the Grid) https://bit.ly/3bg9yAQ Bakuto’s Gaman ^annex(Yakuza 0/Ryu ga Gotoku 0) https://bit.ly/2H0gJiI Well, that is if for now. This preset can both be used for this game and film/video. I only tested Kung-Fu films of the 1970’s/1980’s but it may look good with film in other eras/genres too. Hopefully users like “Auntie’s Succor”; if not, that is cool too. -peace out. https://bit.ly/2vHDtBM
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PreprocessorDefinitions= Techniques=Layer,LUT,SMAA,Border TechniqueSorting=Layer,LUT,FXAA,SMAA,Border,MultiLUT [Border.fx] border_color=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 border_ratio=1.922000 border_width=0.000000,0.000000 [Layer.fx] Layer_Blend=1.000000 Layer_Pos=0.500000,0.500000 Layer_Scale=1.508000 [LUT.fx] fLUT_AmountChroma=1.000000 fLUT_AmountLuma=1.000000 [SMAA.fx] CornerRounding=25 DebugOutput=0 DepthEdgeDetectionThreshold=0.010000 EdgeDetectionThreshold=0.100000 EdgeDetectionType=1 MaxSearchSteps=32 MaxSearchStepsDiagonal=16 PredicationEnabled=0 PredicationScale=2.000000 PredicationStrength=0.400000 PredicationThreshold=0.010000


5 Jun 08:35 CEST

My apologies for the tardiness, it has been about a year since I have uploaded a preset or checked if any feedback was given. I'll try to do better in the future.

5 Jun 08:32 CEST

Hello shad I just updated my profile page
with instructions on how to install files associated with MultiLUT.fx LUT.fx & Layer.fx; located here:


If this information still leaves you with questions please respond and I'll do what I can to help.

Farewell, and thanks for the feedback, it answered a question I previously had, if some people would have trouble installing files; now I know.

23 May 06:37 CEST

How do we install this preset? Can you please give directions on how to install your presets? Thank you

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