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Preset for Torchlight
Created by snyviper
Added June 18, 2023
Updated 19 Jun 21:31 CEST
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
In short, this preset will make your game look better with more contrast, sharpness, and a strong antialiasing effect. My goal was to improve the game's visual without completely overhauling it, so I tried to not overdo any settings. Note that, unlike SweetFX, ReShade does not require Antialiasing to be turned off in the Torchlight settings in order to work, leave it on! Features: - Increased contrast - Enhanced sharpness - Noticeably smoother edges (check the images at full resolution to see the difference) - Subtle bloom effect on very bright areas (Town's firepit for instance, see screenshot) Despite the increased contrast: - Texts retain most of their original color, appearing slightly rounder in shape - Dark areas are still pretty much visible, despite being darker Enjoy the upgraded experience!
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Techniques=FXAA@FXAA.fx,Normal_Filter_Anti_Aliasing@NFAA.fx,AdaptiveSharpen@AdaptiveSharpen.fx,prod80_03_CurvedLevels@PD80_03_Curved_Levels.fx,PPFXBloom@PPFX_Bloom.fx [AdaptiveSharpen.fx] curveslope=0.500000 curve_height=0.500000 D_compr_high=0.500000 D_compr_low=0.250000 D_overshoot=0.009000 L_compr_high=0.334000 L_compr_low=0.167000 L_overshoot=0.003000 pm_p=0.700000 scale_cs=0.056000 scale_lim=0.100000 [FXAA.fx] EdgeThreshold=0.125000 EdgeThresholdMin=0.000000 Subpix=0.500000 [NFAA.fx] AA_Adjust=8 HFR_AA=0 HFR_Adjust=0.500000 Mask_Adjust=1.000000 View_Mode=0 [PD80_03_Curved_Levels.fx] black_in_grey=0.000000 black_out_grey=0.000000 dither_strength=1.000000 enable_dither=0 pos0_shoulder_grey=0.750000 pos0_toe_grey=0.250000 pos1_shoulder_grey=0.860000 pos1_toe_grey=0.235000 white_in_grey=255.000000 white_out_grey=255.000000 [PPFX_Bloom.fx] pBloomBlendMode=0 pBloomCurve=1.500000 pBloomIntensity=0.500000 pBloomRadius=64.000000 pBloomSaturation=2.000000 pBloomThreshold=0.700000 pEnableHDR=0 pEnableLensdirt=0 pLensdirtCurve=1.200000 pLensdirtIntensity=1.000000 pTonemapContrast=1.020000 pTonemapCurve=3.000000 pTonemapExposure=1.200000 pTonemapMode=0 pTonemapSaturateBlacks=0.000000


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