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Preset for Fallout 4
Created by jon30rockaholic
Added Nov. 11, 2015
Updated 25 Nov 19:09 CET
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
This preset was made using Reshade Framework 1.1.0. This preset adds many effects to give the game an ENB feel. I made the preset with God Rays off. The God Rays make the game look subjectively worse, and they take away too many frames per second. To turn off God Rays open up "C:\Users\username\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\Fallout4Prefs.ini" and change the line that says "bVolumetricLightingEnable=1" to "bVolumetricLightingEnable=0". Then make the Fallout4Prefs.ini file read only by right clicking it and changing its properties. I also recommend setting Shadow Distance to medium if you are having frame rate problems. This preset adds the following features:
Bloom and HDR tweaks Gaussian Bloom Ambient Lighting Tonemapping Contrast enhancement Vibrance enhancement Sharpening Dithering Dynamic Depth of Field Chromatic Aberration
Update v1.1 : Better sharpening. Update v1.2 : Better depth of field. Better sharpening. Removed film grain. Update v1.3 : Much better sharpening. Link to my --Atmospheric Wasteland-- preset: http://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/4756/ Link to my --Subtle Improvement Mod-- : http://sfx.thelazy.net/games/preset/4724/
Download preset Show / Hide settings
Download the preset from the following link and extract its contents to your Fallout 4 directory: http://www.mediafire.com/download/0n6rkuk8hff9qgm/FalloutEnhance%28%29_v1.3.zip


31 Mar 23:15 CEST

I can't download from Mediafire for some reason. I've tried different browsers and everything, it just keeps loading forever and nothing happens. Even Jdownloader refuses to work.

Any chance to get another link?

Thank you :)

26 Nov 16:22 CET

Great preset. I tried a few others and this one sits the best with what I want. The color vibrancy has been punched up just the right amount. The night time is darker but is still readable and playable. Most presets make the mistake of crunching the blacks into oblivion, resulting in really dark nights. A few things, mostly personal preference: I turned off the DOF because I found the blurring around the edges of mid-range objects distracting. I think you could go with a bit more sharpness. It's also a shame about the god rays getting so washed out, I would have preferred to keep them on.

26 Nov 00:31 CET

Great, thanks. I will definetely play with the values. The new preset looks great as well.

As for the DOF in power Armor, it's really unfortunate. I think I'll rather go without power armor than without the DOF effect ;)

25 Nov 17:56 CET

Just updated the preset. It has better sharpening now. It is less intense and more focused than it was.

25 Nov 00:23 CET

Yeah I have noticed that the DOF doesn't work in power armor. I don't think that it is fixable. It has something to do with the depth buffer, so the devs of Rehade will have to do something about it.

As for the sharpening there are a couple things you can do. First you can go into CustomFX.cfg and then go into the GAUSS section and disable the Use_Unsharpmask by making its value 0. Lumasharpen is also used, so you can mess with the lumasharpen settings in SweetFX.cfg. Try turning down sharp_strength or sharp_clamp.

I may upload another version with more balanced sharpening effects.

22 Nov 03:37 CET

Hey, great preset, love the dynamic DOF, but for some reason, it stops working when I enter powerarmor.

Also is it possible to turn down the sharpening a tiny bit (for example by changing a certain value) ?

14 Nov 22:15 CET

Tried about 10 different presets now and I think I'm settled on this one, really nice colour balance and the DOF works really well, not overdone or anything, not seeing much loss if any in FPS either, great job! :)

11 Nov 22:30 CET

Thanks man. I spent a lot of time making it. I'd say disabling the dynamic dof will give you some more fps. I'm going to add a toggle key for it in the next version. In the meantime if you want to disable it, you can go into the Reshade folder and open up McFX.cfg and change the line that says "#define USE_DEPTHOFFIELD 1" to "#define USE_DEPTHOFFIELD 0". You can try looking at fallout 4 tweak guides as well. There are a lot of ini tweaks that can be done to speed up performance.

11 Nov 20:35 CET

Nice work, for me, this is the best preset so far. Any idea how to get some extra fps with this preset without noticing a lot in the game? I disabled God Rays.

11 Nov 14:49 CET

Try renaming dxgi.dll to d3d11.dll and see if that works.

11 Nov 14:45 CET


Not sure what could be causing it. I made the zip straight from my game directory, and it is working for me right now.

11 Nov 14:36 CET

Man my game starting and closed after 5 sec.

11 Nov 14:11 CET


I just saw that the new version was released today. I am using the version right before that. I will port it over to the newest version sometime. I am also thinking about adding toggle keys for the Dynamic DOF, Film Grain, and Chromatic Aberration effects.

11 Nov 14:07 CET


The zip in the download link contains all of the files that you need including the dll file. Just extract to your Fallout 4 directory and play. The download link is in the txt file that you can download by hitting the Download Preset button on this page.

11 Nov 13:58 CET

works with

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