21 minutes ago
--Subtle Improvement Mod--
Preset description:
This post-processing mod aims to enhance the game without drastically changing the way it looks. It's using the latest version of the Reshade Framework, and it's very performance-friendly. The mod adds sharpening, contrast enhancements, vibrancy, spherical tonemapping, dynamic depth of field, and ambient lighting.
I made the preset with God Rays off. The God Rays make the game look subjectively worse, and they take away too many frames per second. To turn off God Rays open up "C:\Users\username\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\Fallout4Prefs.ini" and change the line that says "bVolumetricLightingEnable=1" to "bVolumetricLightingEnable=0". Then make the Fallout4Prefs.ini file read only by right clicking it and changing its properties. I also recommend setting Shadow Distance to medium if you are having frame rate problems.
If you don't like Depth of Field then you can turn it off. Just open up McFX.cfg in the Reshade folder and change "#define USE_DEPTHOFFIELD 1" to "#define USE_DEPTHOFFIELD 0".
I'll upload more screenshots later.
You can download the mod package from the following link:
Extract its contents to your Fallout 4 directory.
Could you do one for SweetFX 2.0 ?