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Colour Correction / Blur Removal

Preset for Mafia III
Created by Nyclix
Added Oct. 7, 2016
Updated 5 Nov 19:51 CET
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
ABOUT PRESET I found Mafia 3 has an overwhelming orange tinge to it, along with a lot of blur. The colours were also really washed out. This reshade fixes that. The performance impact of this reshade on my computer is less than 2 fps but it could be more on different setups. 5.0 BEFORE/AFTER GALLERY - http://imgur.com/a/Awpoq LATEST UPDATES Version 5.1 Final - Adds an effect from the new reshade that greatly enhances the clarity. 5.0 vs 5.1 Comparison here. http://imgur.com/a/m7LDl Version 5.0 - Ported all my settings to the latest reshade which will hopefully help a lot with stability. Took a while as I had to find a way to add HDR back into it since reshade 3.0 doesn't include it but I eventually found a way. You now use INSERT to toggle effects and SHIFT+F2 to open the reshade menu. Here you can change your toggle key along with disabling any effects. Be sure to OPEN and CLOSE the Reshade menu by pressing SHIFT+F2. If you press the X you won't be able to do certain things in game like accessing the escape menu. RECOMMENDED INGAME SETTINGS With the latest update and the settings below I get 60-80 fps on an i5 3570k at 4.4ghz and a 980ti at 2560x1440 resolution. Windows 10. Depth of Field: On Field of View: Personal preference, higher is better. I use 90 Global Quality Preset: Custom Fullscreen: On Vsync: Off <-- Optional but I disable it. Ambient Occulsion: High Motion Blur: On Geometry Detail: High Shadow Detail: High <-- Reducing to low effects distant shadows but doesn't seem to effect fps much Reflection Detail: Low <-- HIGH fps cost, negligible visual difference Volumetric Effects: Low <--- HIGH fps cost, negligible visual difference Antialiasing: Medium - If you set it to high you may encounter a zoom bug with reshade 3.0.1 - Thanks to Jaxim for figuring it out! HOW TO INSTALL IF YOU'RE UPGRADING FROM ANY OTHER VERSION 4.1 OR BELOW TO 5.0 YOU MUST DELETE THE FOLLOWING FILES FROM YOUR MAFIA 3 FOLDER OR YOU'lL ENCOUNTER ERRORS! *RESHADE FOLDER *SWEET FX FOLDER <-- You will only have if used 4.1. *D3D11.DLL or DXGI.DLL <-- Whatever one you have, delete both if you have both. *RESHADE.FX *SWEET.FX <-- You will only have this if you used 4.1. SCREENSHOT INSTALLATION GUIDE <--- EASIEST http://imgur.com/a/J5i5U IF YOU ONLY WANT MY SETTINGS AND ALREADY KNOW HOW TO WORK RESHADE 3.0.1 http://imgur.com/a/fuMXJ WRITTEN INSTALLATION GUIDE Click "Download Preset" to get the download link for 5.1. Version 5.1 Installation instructions The installation steps for version 5.1 are different so please follow the steps closely to ensure success. 1: Click download preset and follow the included link to download the preset. 2: Download Reshade 3.0.1 from http://reshade.me/ 3: Open "ReShade_Setup_3.0.1.exe" Click "Select Game" and select your "Mafia 3.exe" - An easy way to find your install directory is to open steam, go to your games list, right click mafia 3, click properties, click the local files tab, click browse local files and you'll be taken to it. 4: Click the button next to "Direct3D 10+" You'll be asked if you want to download shaders - Click YES and let it download. Once it's complete it will say done. 5: Open Mafia 3 and after the shaders have finished loading press SHIFT+F2. Follow the on screen tutorial and make your own preset by pressing the + sign in the top right hand corner. Name it "MY PRESET" and click enter. 6: Once you've made your preset be sure to check a few of the boxes next to the settings below and then click continue followed by finish. It doesn't matter what ones you've ticked as long as you've ticked some. If you don't tick any your preset will have no information and won't be saved. Close Mafia 3 7:Copy "My preset" along with the reshade-shaders folder into your Mafia 3 directory - overwrite when asked. 8: You're done! Open up Mafia 3 and press shift+f2 - if done correctly you'll have a few effects ticked. Press insert to toggle them off and on. Enjoy KNOWN ISSUES If you experience a bug where the screen is very zoomed in it's probably because you've got Anti Aliasing set to high. Please set it to medium to fix this. - Thanks Jaxim! CRASHING? If you're crashing on start up this is probably caused by a program running in the background that has an on screen display. These are mostly caused by GPU overclocking and monitoring tools so make sure you close them all. Please also disable the "Share" feature within Nvidia Geforce Experience as this is reported to cause crashes on launch as well. - Thanks SpecialFX If you've tried closing everything and you're still getting the crashes try renaming the following files. Dxgi.dll to d3d11.dll dxgi.ini to d3d11.ini dxgi.log to d3dll.log You should now be able to launch the game but you won't have your steam overlay so if you want steam overlay you'll have to figure out what program is conflicting with it. Always ensure you have the latest drivers. Use Display Uninstaller to clean your system before updating. http://www.guru3d.com/files-details/display-driver-uninstaller-download.html IF YOU'RE USING WINDOWS 8 YOU MUST CHECK THIS LINK - https://steamcommunity.com/app/360430/discussions/0/343788552530661213/ If you're still experiencing crashes it's most probably caused my missing direct X files. Download and run Direct X web installer - https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35 Also run ALL setup files located in the sub folders of the "_CommonRedist" folder located in your Mafia 3 directory. Use the method described in the installation steps provided to find your Mafia 3 folder. HOW TO UNINSTALL Delete any / all of the following. RESHADE-SHADERS Folder RESHADE FOLDER SWEETFX FOLDER d3d11.dll dxgi.dll dxgi.ini sweetfx.ini
Download preset Show / Hide settings
BE SURE TO READ AND FOLLOW THE INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS TO ENSURE IT WORKS CORRECTLY. Version 5.1 Config only. http://www.mediafire.com/file/9rdxa7xdk8k6vik/Mafia+3+Reshade+5.1+by+Nyclix+-+Config+Only.zip


5 Jul 05:51 CEST


24 Jun 23:57 CEST

Works great! Where/how can I buy you that beer?

17 Apr 20:17 CEST

I managed to come up with a workaround and made a guide. If anyone has this issue as well, take a look https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1363817555

16 Apr 13:14 CEST

Doesn't work with Reshade 3.2.1. Game crashes at launch at the logo splashscreen box. Application stops. I tried all the solutions here, none helped.


22 Mar 11:46 CET

Hi, I have installed your preset, however I've noticed there isn't anywhere sweetfx 2.0 to download, just newest reshade 3.2.1, so I thought it'll be all in one. So I have installed it andwhen i launch the game it get's stuck on the little mafia 3 logo loading. Could you upload content of sweetfx 2.0 so I can have (if) needed sweetfx folder and it's contents? I have tried with swieetfx 1.5 since that's the only one I've found but with it the game won't even launch the launcher. Thanks in advance.

1 Nov 18:07 CET

the size is only 4.29kb,,,do you have a new link please??

21 Jan 01:43 CET

Thank you for making this game playable.

5 Dec 07:01 CET

update: i tried running the game in windowed mode (non-native) it works, i can see reshade loading and can access menu. native resolution still crashes.

5 Dec 06:21 CET

Btw...i have turned off everything in the background too.

5 Dec 06:12 CET

Hi, I am trying to run install your preset but a problem. I installed Reshade 3.0.5, but it crashes on startup. From your guide, i renamed the files to d3dll and it launches. But i cannot load reshade with SHIFT+F2. Any ideas? Thanks.

4 Dec 23:41 CET

thank you very much

8 Nov 19:16 CET

Thanks. Working Great on the game, though ive tweaked some of my settings to medium, just to appreciate some out of the "30 Fps" for my i3 4170 and GTX 960.

28 Oct 10:16 CEST


Just tick it :)

27 Oct 11:31 CEST

Nyclix, in your MY PRESET.INI-File you did not include LiftGammaGain in the "Techniques"-Line, that is why it's box is not ticked when you open reshade ingame, so there are only 5 boxes ticked, not 6 as you say in your decription.
My Question: did you have a reason for that, or did you just forget to include it?

26 Oct 19:58 CEST


Not sure. I have to adjust anti aliasing myself everytime I open it too.

Perhaps try opening the game without reshade (Just move dxgi.dll) and changing your settings.

25 Oct 01:09 CEST

I installed it correctly this time. Wow, what a difference. Never realized how poor the colors were without it.

21 Oct 22:41 CEST

Why aa cant save? When i restart the game aa is high again, how to set to be medium?
It seems like this doesnt work at me.

17 Oct 12:45 CEST

Sadly crashing after 5 minutes. Done the fixes, still nothing.

17 Oct 12:25 CEST

Havin' two problems.
1. Can't open the ReShade Menu in game. Shift + F2 does nothing, nor does insert.
2. CTRL+ Print Screen crashes the game (Can't take Steam Shots, game is..... not through Steam.

17 Oct 07:39 CEST

@Quentin, Appologies about the butt hurt statement.

17 Oct 07:22 CEST


I'm not going to argue with you. If you're annoyed that my preset is popular then good for you but you could have easily gone onto Reddit or steam and shared yours. A lot of people don't know about reshade so it helped to get awareness out.

Onto battlefield 1 :)

17 Oct 07:05 CEST


I've never even tried your preset because you posted promotional images for your game rather than screenshots.

I don't even know what HSV is and have never used it. I know you'd like to take credit for this but sorry.

4.1 to 5.0 I simply changed the reshade version, no other settings were changed. 4.1 was out before your HDR preset lol.

You butthurt Quentin?

16 Oct 19:05 CEST

@ Quentin-Tarantino

So true! And then he attacked me that i stole his work.

He post that i am a theif on my page, here and on the forum.


16 Oct 17:49 CEST

Mate since i posted my first preset you copied the look of it and in every update you did it became more like mine. I told you at the start that yours was just blue subbed for orange and HSV would fix it.
But then it changed since then and because looking more like my Global illumination Version. Now 5.0 is starting to look like my NG HDR version. Guys don't know this because i didn't post mine in Reddit to gain popular views and downloads and because of the download count guys are instantly going for the 1 with the most downloads.. Just notice this today when i tried 5.0...

16 Oct 14:21 CEST

Will test this with new update 1.02

16 Oct 12:44 CEST

Dude this is so ****ing INSANE. Thanks man, rlly appreciate that

16 Oct 02:12 CEST

Tried a few. Your Mafia 3 Reshade beats the others.

15 Oct 12:35 CEST

Many thanks, I've found it...and reduced the Saturation Just a little Bit, because I already have some Saturation on my Nvidia Setting Panel lol.

15 Oct 05:12 CEST

@specialfx thanks for your tip!

Press shift+f2 and untick vibrance. If you want it reduced further click the arrow next to tone map down the bottom and lower saturation.


15 Oct 00:23 CEST

Hi Nyclix and thank you so much for this wonderful Preset.
I wanted to share my experience maybe it will help others here who are facing crashes issues (game won't start at all).
Well it took me a whole week to realize that Nvidia Geforce Experiences feature "Share" was responsible of my game(s) not launching...i thought it has to do with ReShade, but it wasn't.
So if you are facing game crashes (or not launching at all like in my case) just disable the "Share" option in Geforce Experience.
Now i have question for you Nyclix : Can I edit the Colour amount in Reshade ?


14 Oct 22:31 CEST

Paft, for a while now, Crosire,Ceejay and co. have requested that no one package the complete ReShade files and share them, there is code within that Marty doesn't want spread around? something like that *shrugs* sooo that's why ReShade shouldn't be in a single rar/zip anymore, if it is, the person who did it is breaking the rules.

14 Oct 21:46 CEST

Can you not just put EVERYTHING in a single rar that we can extract the game directory?

Nice job.

14 Oct 20:46 CEST

What is going on in these comments

14 Oct 20:40 CEST

I'm working on it, as far as I can see, this one is the real guy and isn't connected to the current drama, Terrasque needs to look deeper into this, I can only do so much

14 Oct 20:19 CEST

Do something about this clone Nycliix!
Can't understand is it a troll or double page pretending to be a troll
because if it is a troll why is he helping the preset instead of trying to knock it. Doesn't make sense and reminds me of certain few guys on similar forum.

14 Oct 16:50 CEST

Okay i am running it with 5.1 with d3d11 and my eyes have been saved by you.

I also may have found a reason but have to test it. (Game folder is read only + Administrative access) <- had to disable to get the MY PRESET.ini inside the game folder.

Thanks for your hard work. if i wasn't so poor ill give donating to your hard work.

14 Oct 15:38 CEST


I don't have that issue with mine. You can try pressing SHIFT+F2 and turning off Luma sharpen / clarity when it happens and see if either of those help.


14 Oct 15:28 CEST

Hey Amazing work, love love love this shader! I had one question any idea why the shader would cause some weird issue with the skybox making it look a bit pixilated like as if AA was completely turned off?

14 Oct 10:23 CEST


Thanks for your kind words. Glad you're enjoying it :)


You can run 5.1 with d3d11 instead of dxgi. It'l work exactly the same but you simply won't have the steam overlay, same as 4.1.

5.1 is far more stable than 4.1.

14 Oct 06:52 CEST

You are a bloody legend! love the v5.1 !

14 Oct 04:16 CEST

Renamed Dxgi.dll to D3dll.dll and it started up great, then i check if i have anything int he overlay and disabled every tool and still crashes on startup.
I guess ill just use 4.1 for now.

13 Oct 19:50 CEST

Makes sense :)

13 Oct 17:07 CEST


Firstly try renaming the following files and see if the game will launch.

Dxgi.dll to d3d11.dll
Dxgi.ini to d3d11.ini

If it launches it means you have something running in the backround that is conflicting with dxgi.dll

Close all overlay tools if you have any open as well as anything else that has an on screen display.


ASUS GPU tweak,
EVGA Precision,
MSI Afterburner,

Let us know Nick,

13 Oct 16:52 CEST

I need some help! Game crashes on startup :( thanks!

13 Oct 16:38 CEST

I don't know nothing about a FIFA mod takedown, maybe there was more to it, maybe there wasn't, I can't comment on that, all I know is that I've known them both for a few years now, Ceej was aware I had a donate link at one time, he wasn't a fan of it but he never told me to take it down, I just did on my own overtime cause well, it causes issues with others as this for example. I left it simple to those who approached me and made an offer, cool, I wasn't lookin for it, it just found me, I'm special :P

13 Oct 16:33 CEST

"Marty and the gang" might not, but that's besides the point, I don't like scumbags who do nothing productive in life but get millions $$$$ thrown at them because they have a big ass, you know who I'm talking about it, but just cause I don't like doesn't stop anyone.
It would be hypocritical for me to condemn someone who got a buck thrown at them from an appreciative person, seeing as I've had 100s of games and plenty of nickles thrown my way over the years.
Crosire and Ceejay made the program and Marty coded up GUI (which I don't like, once again, my opinion) for it but that don't mean they can force people to tell others out of the kindness of their own hearts to "stop it, badddd"
There a line to be made of course, paywalls, begging, etc.etc. but "hey, if someone likes it and wants to reciprocate,go right ahead, I see absolutely nothing wrong with it.
That's just my opinion, if it isn't hurting anyone, leave it be in my books.

13 Oct 16:19 CEST

I thought marty and the gang didn't like guys taking donations?
because they took down a Fifa mod before over the donations with Reshade included.

Sorry about this troll using your name

13 Oct 13:38 CEST

There is no law about donating to anyone anywhere, if people want to throw a game key or a dollar someones way, that's there prerogative.
If he was literally sitting behind a paywall, that would be completely different.

13 Oct 13:36 CEST

@Fizzle, You're very welcome mate and thank you :)


You don't need to pay me man so don't worry. Glad you got it fixed man!

13 Oct 12:24 CEST


I fix it!! :)

Just delete d3d11.dll and dxgi.ini.

Sorry, i cant pay cause i dont have paypal.

13 Oct 12:06 CEST

@Nyclix Thanks for your work mate. Good job on preset. Much appreciated. Ignore all haters. Some people clearly don't have anything better to do with their lives.

13 Oct 07:05 CEST

@Rainynguyen. I'm not charging users for my preset or asking for donations anywhere. I said if people would like to show their appreciation in the form of a donation they're welcome to.

13 Oct 06:11 CEST

@Nyclix I am getting error 0*c0000142 can't start the game. bt deleting d3d11 it starts perfectly. can u help. it only happens for reshade 3.0

13 Oct 06:03 CEST

Hey dude, your preset is great but please stop asking users for donation. Reshade/ sweetFX/ ENB...is an open source software and free for all.

13 Oct 03:48 CEST

@Quentin-Tarantino You should probably check the names closer next time before getting all worked up over nothing. This wasn't even the person who left that comment on your page. Calm down, kid. Your over inflated sense of self importance is annoying.

13 Oct 02:42 CEST

after i finished step 4 about the reshade_setup_3.0.1.exe, it says done and then i can not open mafia 3, mafia 3 application has stopped working, the window with that sentence appear, pls help me if u can, btw your work is very good.

12 Oct 23:59 CEST

Mate could you nicely stop posting on peoples pages about your preset.
Some of us have been making Reshade Preset for a long time and i find it very disrespectful to say the lease. Your preset is doing well and so it should when you have it posted everywhere. Be happy with your preset and don't be been disrespectful ! Some of us don't care for Reshade fame. Btw I am using luts mate and have that preset up when yours was blue so you coming to my page might just make me think you stole my idea. So we just leave it at that.
I have actully Real mods to make and don't want to be fighting over some Overlays.

12 Oct 17:55 CEST

@i7 aka fake me - Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery so thank you.

12 Oct 17:53 CEST


Can you tell me when you're crashing? is it when you launch the game?

If so try and rename dxgi.dll to d3d11.dll and launch the game. Let me know if it launches or not and we'll go from there.

12 Oct 17:46 CEST

Wow i7, you're that butthurt that I caught you copying my preset that you've made an account with the same name as me trying to make me look bad. What are you 12? Get off the internet you retard.

12 Oct 17:34 CEST

After all steps the game still crashing. What i did wrong?

12 Oct 17:02 CEST

@Jaxim I misread your message too so I apologise lol. It is the first time I have ever used sweetfx and most of this goes over my head lol

12 Oct 17:02 CEST

Feel free to add me on steam Jaxim. Just go to my steam discussion thread to find my profile.

12 Oct 16:57 CEST

your* lol (it was really bugging me)

12 Oct 16:56 CEST

@Nyclix Yeah, it really is. It sucks too because the game itself is pretty damn great, if not a bit repetitive. I would have never guessed this was your first preset! All you're effort definitely shows ^_^

12 Oct 16:47 CEST

@Jaxim this game is just a very messy port haha.

12 Oct 16:38 CEST

@Nyclix No problem man :) Just sharing the knowledge! It's weird, you'll notice Reshade reloads all of the effects when switching from High to Medium but not from Medium to Low. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

12 Oct 16:33 CEST


" Your preset is amazing and should definitely be the go to for most people, in my opinion. I only barely know what I'm doing, lol. I just spent a ton of time tweaking numbers and messing with various effects until it looked kinda how I wanted."

This is my first reshade and that's exactly what I did lol! Probably just had more time on my hands to test it man :) Thanks for your help

12 Oct 16:23 CEST

@Jaxim Thank you so much!

12 Oct 15:59 CEST

@Nyclix Also, just a tip about one of your known issues. The camera zooming in when enabling/disabling the preset only occurs when using High AA. Medium and low don't have that problem. Wish I could tell you why, but at least it's something.

12 Oct 15:57 CEST

@fatguyslim Sorry, lol. That wasn't directed at you in any way. It was meant for Nyclix. He left a nice comment on my preset and I wasn't sure if he'd see my reply there. I guess I should have made that more clear. Sorry! xD

12 Oct 15:51 CEST

@Jaxim I am just pointing out that the game has potential to show higher fps. In my earlier messages I have mentioned how grateful of the efforts these guys put in. Also if you spent some time in reading my messages you will see my concern with this preset as I am seeing a drop in my fps.

What's the point?
To work out what is the best preset for people who are in my situation

What do they gain?
Better performance hence why all of us are talking about it.

12 Oct 15:44 CEST

Just wanted to stop by and say thanks for the kind words man. It means a lot. Your preset is amazing and should definitely be the go to for most people, in my opinion. I only barely know what I'm doing, lol. I just spent a ton of time tweaking numbers and messing with various effects until it looked kinda how I wanted. I think it turned out alright for my first try :) And yeah, I can't understand the mindset of someone who would try and pass off someone else's preset as their own. What's the point? What do they even gain? Anyway, keep killing it man. You do great work.

12 Oct 15:03 CEST

Don't get it though this guys has practically the same rig as mine but gets far better performance. Not sure what preset this guy is using though.


12 Oct 14:45 CEST


The game runs like ass. I get 60 fps on a 3570k @ 4.5ghz, 980 ti @ 1500 / 8000.

12 Oct 14:34 CEST

Did as you suggested got a bit of a boost but still disappointed with the performance

12 Oct 14:28 CEST


Game is a piece of shit optimization wise, no way around it. Leave everything on high except for reflection detail and volumetric detail, put them both on low. You'll get an extra 20 fps :)

12 Oct 14:16 CEST

Hey Nyclix, I reinstalled the game and did a fresh install of the Reshade and the game mot definitely looks stunning. Although my fps drops to 32-40 when driving around and around 55-70 when the player is inside a building etc. I have i7 4790 and 1080 gtx msi and running the game at 1080p why am I getting such a drop in the fps

12 Oct 14:02 CEST


Thank you for your kind words.
I only simply took the time to edit a few numbers and enable effects. The real work was done by the Reshade team that made all this possible. :) Glad you got it working brother!

12 Oct 13:57 CEST

I menaged to install the 5.1 version and it's working great! The visual impruvement is stunning, it's like a new game! You work wonders man, 2k just need to hire you right away for fixing their game in a couple of days! They had years to do that!
Thx for the awsome work!
(ps: don't bother with the haters, they are everywhere!)

12 Oct 13:34 CEST



12 Oct 13:25 CEST

Bre ovo uopšte ne radi.

Doesnt work. Do i need to download all version or only 5.1?

12 Oct 13:15 CEST


Not fake and gay. You're just too retarded to follow extremely simple instructions. Congrats <3

12 Oct 13:08 CEST

Fake and gay!

I make a download, follow instruction... Does not work!

12 Oct 12:55 CEST

Are you hurt because I called you out on copying my work? I don't shorten the links, they're direct links to a download page you retard.

Gtfo my page you unoriginal scumbag.

12 Oct 11:45 CEST

Added step by step picture walkthrough at the very top of page. PLEASE try this.

12 Oct 10:48 CEST

I'm going to work on an installation video that shows step by step how to do it.

12 Oct 10:32 CEST

Fist of all, thank you for your work, it made the geme enjoyable!
But on version 5.0 and 5.1 the picture is zoomed, the bottom right corner is not visible. I'm using 1080p resolution, and I did not try to disable the fx with the insert button as it described under known issues. Version 4.0 is working flawless, I'm sticking with it untill you find a fix!

12 Oct 10:21 CEST

thank for your answer Nyclix !
my friend have the same issue ^^ but it's ok.
Your SweetFX setting are cool, i had shared on our forum and they love it.
My friends come to your post and get preset.

12 Oct 10:18 CEST

Hey Nyclix, I downloaded ReShade 1.1.0 with sweetfx 2.0 and ran the game through ReShade setup file. So I believe some initial files were installed prior to your version. I deleted all the files you suggested in your instructions and I finally got it to work as recommended. i do however have an issue where I can see the ReShade water mark on the top left any idea how I can remove the initial shader?

12 Oct 10:04 CEST

Nghialtv88, This reshade doesn't effect the weather in the game at all. It's the games issue.

12 Oct 09:06 CEST

i'm using v2, 3,4 and now 4.1. They are still ok, never crash. Just should try to delete 2 file cache.m2k & client.m2k before play game.
I have a question can you help ? when i use v2 and v4.1, the weather always rain, but v3-v4 not. How to fix it ?

12 Oct 05:47 CEST

Download 5.0 again. Hdr. Fx was left out of original download for a short time.

12 Oct 03:46 CEST

I download the 5.0 but it only have
Install me.exe and nyclix preset.ini just two of these no hdr.fx inside myfile please helppp

11 Oct 23:58 CEST


Thanks for the tutorial, working here now like a charm, you really deserve a donation

Will make one this week !!!!!

11 Oct 23:57 CEST

I am getting Reshade watermark on the top left... Can someone let me know how I can remove that also I have 4790 i7 with 1080 gtx and getting pathetic fps with it any ideas what is happening here?

11 Oct 22:13 CEST

HDR.fx is located in 5.0 download link. Please read.

11 Oct 21:55 CEST

Can u just put me a link to download the "HDR.fx". I surely don't know where it is.

11 Oct 20:54 CEST

bedtime for me - almost 6 am. I'll check in later P town :)

11 Oct 20:53 CEST

i finish step 6 and when i open mafia3.exe .it show me black screen and bring me back to desktop , no alert nothing happen .

11 Oct 20:51 CEST

I'll give it a shot tonight. I'm sure I just missed some small step or something. Thanks man!

11 Oct 20:50 CEST

That's one issue I haven't been able to figure out but I know others have been fine on 1080p by following the instructions before copying my settings over. They get the zoom in bug once disabling the settings.

Perhaps try reinstalling the mod and seeing if you get the same results?

If you do I'm happy to post you the specific values and things to enter to get the same results if copying my preset causing the dramas.

Please use the steam thread posted above as its far easier to use for issues :) ty

11 Oct 20:38 CEST

1920x1080. Did I need to change anything in the presets? I know your resolution is different. Basically it loads up then it shows it loading the presets and that's when it zooms in.

11 Oct 20:37 CEST

Til, Vonderduke. Click download preset.


I was only aware of it zooming in when settings were disabled, not them being zoomed in on start up. What's your resolution?

11 Oct 20:23 CEST

Followed all the instructions but when booting up the game now it zooms in (I read the part about leaving settings enabled), when I press insert it zooms in even further. My resolution is set correctly. Did I miss something?

11 Oct 20:23 CEST

No mediafire link. I'll just grab another preset.

11 Oct 20:06 CEST

Am I blind?
Where is the link to your preset?

11 Oct 19:30 CEST

Please read the instructions posted under the installation section. No you cannot just copy paste.

11 Oct 19:15 CEST


Congrats to the awesome work

Asked because i had a lot of issues with reshade 3 in the past, so we just need to put the files at the folder, not needed to exec anything right?

11 Oct 18:48 CEST

Wsarahan the intructions are all written there. I can't make it any simpler.

11 Oct 18:26 CEST

How do we install the new 5.0? inserted the files at the folder and messed up ,should i run the e.xe and select mafia 3 .exe?


11 Oct 17:44 CEST

I love how it looks but it still crashes for me unfortunately :/ It isn't defog or a program that runs in the background, what could it be?

11 Oct 16:49 CEST

Today, I'm over this shit 3x uninstalled and installed Mafia III. Fuck it, thanks

11 Oct 16:37 CEST

F4ll3n, Glad you're enjoying it and your crashes are gone.

Gasco, Try deleting everything and starting from scratch :)

11 Oct 16:18 CEST

This laste update 5.0 works GREAT!!! Game crashes no more and with the in-game reshade menu (pressing shift + F2) I can easily choose the best preset for me directly! Lookin on real-time the effects in game! That's simply AMAZING!!! Thank u again man!!! You're THE BEST

11 Oct 16:14 CEST

OK, but now i dont have file "MY PRESET" in MAFI III folder. This is rly CRAZYYY!!! :D

11 Oct 14:20 CEST

Gasco, I forgot it in the original download. Please redownload it.

11 Oct 14:15 CEST

Place the second file from the download "HDR.fx" Into Mafia III \ Reshade-shaders \ Shaders. Where do I find the "HDR.fx" ??? Nowhere !!!

11 Oct 10:03 CEST

VERSION 5.0 IS OUT. I've ported my settings to the latest version of reshade which should hopefully address the crashes!

11 Oct 07:41 CEST

Crashed 4 times in an hour with both d3d11 and dxgi. So I decided to keep FPS locked at 30 and not a single crash in the last hour with dxgi. This could be useful. There's definitely something wrong with the patch, whether it's High or Low I only get 40-50 fps at max with a GTX 980 and 4790k.

11 Oct 02:05 CEST

And I gotta say, you did a killer job on this preset! The game actually looks like a next gen game now, and very little fps loss. Maybe I'm jinxing myself but I havent crashed since I installed it either. Excellent work!

11 Oct 00:35 CEST

Oops nvm it's in the preset txt :)

11 Oct 00:35 CEST

Nyclix, I think you accidentally deleted the external link for the RAR download.

10 Oct 23:17 CEST

Now my whole country can download SweetFX / Reshade with this fucking site

10 Oct 23:16 CEST

fucking Americans

10 Oct 23:12 CEST

please give links to files from other sites!!!!!!!!!!!!

10 Oct 22:54 CEST

Damn idiots can not upload files to different sites in the country blocked the site, the bitch even a letter with the activation of the account did not come to write it!

10 Oct 20:09 CEST

I made a 4k video with your Graphics mod https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJICCj_5u0I

10 Oct 19:45 CEST

Piimpollo, install everything in the crash section. If you're still crashing I'm not sure.

10 Oct 19:29 CEST

Can you say me another problematic processes with Sweetfx? I don't have MSI After burner or Fraps.

10 Oct 18:24 CEST

I finish so many process and anything. I turn off Shadowplay of Nvidia, who have another overlay too. Nothing. Any idea? Its hard for me not having Steam overlay, so hard.

10 Oct 18:08 CEST

Pimpollo dxgi.dll will only work if you have NOTHING running in the backround that will conflict with it. Fraps, MSI After burner, anything like that.

If you still get crashes, try downloading fraps. It's free and I only use it for taking screenshots.

10 Oct 18:00 CEST

I try everything and nothing. Do you have any solutions about that? Normally changing the name of the file works fine, but not in this game... Why?

10 Oct 17:58 CEST

"Please note reshade and the steam overlay are NOT compatible together. Using reshade will disable your steam overlay. There is nothing I can do about this sorry.
Some people have had some success by renaming d3d11.dll to dxgi.dll but it crashes for me. Give it a go and see."

If you don't know why, and I have the same problem... What can I do? I'm that type of guy who expend so much time pressing F12 to take pictures in Steam and I can't do it. I love ur fix too. I don't know what to do...

10 Oct 16:03 CEST

AngrydroidJ4F, rename d3d11.dll to dxgi.dll to make steam overlay work. You'll crash on launch if you have any other overlay software open though like fraps or msi after burner.

10 Oct 15:46 CEST

yep crashes with this,hope a patch will fix it really looked much better :(

10 Oct 15:22 CEST

Everything looks and works great! Thanks for doing this because Mafia 3 looked like Dog-shit without SweetFX. There's 2 problems, though. #1 steam in-game FPS counter will no longer work with Mafia 3, and screen shots with F-12 no longer work in Mafia 3. also game crashes everything hour give or take, with both 4.0 and 4.1

10 Oct 12:26 CEST

Also try capping your frame rate to 30 if you can put up with that. 30 sucks but it seems to have helped a few people.

10 Oct 12:10 CEST

@ TH3_F4LL3N,

If the new update doesn't fix it I can only suggest following the crash steps. I think the issue is the latest Mafia 3 patch isn't very well optimized. Do you crash with any other of the presets?

10 Oct 12:03 CEST


Could u plz reply to mmy questione about the crash? Thank u very much! :)

10 Oct 11:37 CEST

Cheers mate, might raise brightness a bit and have a look at the gamma settings

10 Oct 11:17 CEST

Anekdot, you can try messing with the gamma setting under tonemap in reshade/sweetfx.CFG

10 Oct 11:14 CEST

Anekdot, Version 4.0 and above really shouldn't effect shadows all that much. You might want to try raising your brightness a bit?

10 Oct 11:13 CEST

Cheers mate, love the settings.
It is in my opinion a little bit too dark, especially at night and around car shadows.
Is there any setting I can tweak to brighten it up a bit?


10 Oct 11:12 CEST


Look for the lift gamma gain setting and set it from 1 to 0 in Reshade/sweetfx.cfg

10 Oct 11:06 CEST

Thank you!

10 Oct 11:04 CEST

Go into reshade/sweetfx.cfg CTRL+F defog and go to the one under the tonemap settings. Change the value to 0

10 Oct 10:56 CEST

Hi Nyclix, the updated preset makes the game still crash for me and adds stripes (AA?) that move on the edges of all objects. Is there a way for me to remove defog by changing the old preset because I loved how it looked?!

10 Oct 10:46 CEST

Really nice preset mate! My congrats!
Unfortunately after 5 - 20 minutes my game crashes, going back to desktop with no error message...already renamed d3d11.dll to dxgi.dll, it didn't fix the issue...Could you please fix this in a future update, 'cuz I had to remove yr amazing preset and installed another one, but yrs is the best so far...Let me know! ;)

10 Oct 10:21 CEST

Hi Nyclix !
thank u for your great work.
can you tell me what removes the blurry effect, and adjust contrast to colors without blue, red or orange. I simply want a image with its natural colors but without blurry effect and with more contrast on it.

10 Oct 09:13 CEST

ibbanez, Yeah defog was causing issues. It's been removed in the new one :)

10 Oct 08:23 CEST

Nice work! Looks great!

1 Question, how do I change the screenshot key? I don't see anything regarding to that in the Common.cfg file.


10 Oct 06:58 CEST

To add to my previous comment.

Latest WHQL Driver.

It may be nVidia related.

10 Oct 06:56 CEST

Preset is amazing. However, the amount of crashes is simply unacceptable. There are no issues with the Redist/DX as you said. The settings simply cause crashes.

If you can figure out what exactly is causing the crash, this config will be the best there is. Turns the game from Mafia 2 into GTA 5.

But again, when you have to replay the same mission 5 times because it crashes before you reach the end, that's just not acceptable.

i7-4790k (4.6ghz)
16GB 2200Mhz RAM
GTX 980Ti (OC)
Average FPS vanilla: 91
Average FPS with this preset: 74
Average FPS with a different preset: 85

All settings maxed except for Reflection and Volumetric.

I'd also like to note that yours is the only preset that causes these crashes.

10 Oct 05:08 CEST

Its crazy that so many people are getting crashes. I used all the presets here on version 1.0 as well as the patch this weekend, with 0 issues. It almost feels like it has something to do with missing Visual Studio files, or older DirectX stuff or something. I play a lot of games with mods usually, and I have to install a lot of this stuff for other games, and that is one of the only things that i can think of that may be different than other people. I dont know.

@Nyclix - the only thing you wont be able to carry over to v3 is HDR as they haven't added that shader to reshade 3.0 yet. That is probably why I ended up customizing mine slightly, but still used your version 2 as a base, but I put stuff like Defog at 0 as it made night time in the shadows completely to dark for me. Over all I love the look. Great job.

9 Oct 22:51 CEST

looks fine, but all 5 minutes my game is crashing with this

9 Oct 22:22 CEST

It's fine, but the skys are blocky, and if the rain falls and it reflects, it freezes the game so bad makes the whole system crash had to reset.

9 Oct 18:50 CEST

Hope to update to reshade 3.0 tomorrow.

9 Oct 18:29 CEST

thanks, nice preset but too many crashes. both d3d11 and dxgi.

9 Oct 17:08 CEST

Please note reshade and the steam overlay are NOT compatible together. Using reshade will disable your steam overlay. There is nothing I can do about this sorry.

Some people have had some success by renaming d3d11.dll to dxgi.dll but it crashes for me. Give it a go and see.

9 Oct 15:53 CEST

hey I love this enb, but I dont have my steam in game is this a bug? or did you do it on purpose?

9 Oct 11:43 CEST

Emitex, The effect is enabled by default. You should only have to hit scroll lock if you want to turn it off. =]

9 Oct 11:43 CEST

Hi Emitex,

I'm not sure how to change reshade binds sorry. Perhaps google it?

9 Oct 11:41 CEST

Thanks, game looks really cool now!

I just have one problem. The effect activates on Scroll lock but it seems like thats the buttom for my keyboards led light. Is there a way to change the key to this effect?

9 Oct 07:00 CEST


I'ts already in there.

Reshade/Sweetfx.cfg has my settings in it. All you have to do is copy what's in the download to your mafia 3 directory. I'm about to update though so you might want to wait half an hour :)

9 Oct 06:38 CEST


Is there suppose to be a SweetFx_settings.txt file included in the .rar file?

9 Oct 06:34 CEST

Hi spoony,

Rather than having the settings in the download preset, and the reshade link seperately it's all combined in the link provided via download preset. This has the latest version, 2.1 and reshade combined. If you're on an earlier version I suggest you upgrade to it.


9 Oct 06:19 CEST

Hey man, love your work - but now when I click on download preset there is only a link to download the reshade pack - have you updated the new settings, and if so, where ar they? cheers.

9 Oct 00:13 CEST



CTRL+F #define USE_LUMASHARPEN 1 <-- change to a 0

8 Oct 19:55 CEST

hey man,how do i remove the sharpening?im the only few that likes the blur :)

8 Oct 10:24 CEST


CTRL+F #define USE_SMAA 1 <-- change to a 0.

Thanks for the feedback friend :)

8 Oct 10:20 CEST

Love your 2.0 preset. How to remove SMAA from it?

8 Oct 07:17 CEST

i can only say wow !

7 Oct 22:29 CEST

Use the HSV shader it works with a lot of individual colors
Should check it out it has Orange there :)

7 Oct 20:12 CEST

Quentin, I'm happy with the current colours of it. The default colours are too washed out and orange, this balances it out, for me atleast :) I've tried reducing the blue but it doesn't look right. Cheers

7 Oct 19:04 CEST

Should of just turned the Orange mate....
Now it is just blue subbed for Orange

7 Oct 17:21 CEST

Alguien me explica como quitarle un poco de azul a este SweetFX? please!!

7 Oct 15:35 CEST

If you feel there is too much blue just reduce the blue gain under LIFT GAMMA GAIN in sweeetfx.cfg :)

7 Oct 15:22 CEST

I disagree. The game has a very strong orange tinge to begin with. Nights are meant to be dark, not orange.

7 Oct 15:04 CEST

oh dear

Way too much blue xD

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