Removed Yellow Tint Lighting
Sharpened Image
Adjusted Color Tone
Increased Saturation
Ambient Lighting
Contrast tweaks
Several other settings
Thank you for the input. Let me know if there is anything you would recommend changing.
7 Dec 16:17 CET
I din´t try it, just by looking at the screenshots I can tell that looks very well balanced, meaning dark and bright areas, I can see you added some sharpness to the preset, not too much, just the necessary, that's just fine for me, all and all seems to be a nice preset, I'm going to download it now and try it ingame... cheers, I'm going to continue washing my dog, is making me crazy (just a little commentary of my day to day life for you, beautiful people...)
Thanks brkorth its a lot nicer to only have the shaders needed for greatly decreasing the initial load time.
Adaptive Sharpening
What specific shaders are you using?
Update! Decreased Brightness and Increased Color.
Update! I fixed the blues and lifted the gamma.
Thank you for the input. Let me know if there is anything you would recommend changing.
I din´t try it, just by looking at the screenshots I can tell that looks very well balanced, meaning dark and bright areas, I can see you added some sharpness to the preset, not too much, just the necessary, that's just fine for me, all and all seems to be a nice preset, I'm going to download it now and try it ingame... cheers, I'm going to continue washing my dog, is making me crazy (just a little commentary of my day to day life for you, beautiful people...)
Please tell me what you think of my preset?