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~ BADLAND 2033 ~ v02

Preset for Metro 2033 Redux
Created by phroZac
Added Nov. 24, 2017
Updated 6 Dec 19:51 CET
Shader used: ReShade
Preset description:
So I'm a bit late to the party... The goal of BADLAND 2033 isn't realism, but stylized cinematic color grading and filmic effects. All pics are at max settings with SSAA set to off. INSTALLATION: 1. Put all the contents of the zip file into the folder where your Metro executable resides. DONE! PRESET LINK: https://mega.nz/#!sUUFmDpa!-amr26d8FPi060q2WG2LWEpu-rMTgd4XTXtI0TOtiqQ >Scroll Lock< toggles on/off ReShade so you can see the difference
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Passion is the friction between one's soul and the outside world.


3 Mar 21:35 CET

Haha. Sorry. Not ACO, obviously.

3 Mar 21:34 CET

Hey, Man. You just open the appropriate .cfg file and find the effects you want to edit and make the "1" next to the effect name a "0". Both effects you mentioned are in the Shaders_by_CeeJay.cfg normally found in:

...Steam\steamapps\common\Assassins Creed Origins\ReShade\Presets\Default

Hope that helps :)

26 Feb 19:09 CET

Hey, very interesting preset, but how to edit it?
Like, how to turn off film grain and vignette effects?

1 Feb 20:46 CET

@soul_beat - Haha! Yeah, man. Ping me on Steam. I'm phroZac there too. It might be awhile before I get back into SOMA though.

16 Jan 14:26 CET

Hi! Made a preset for SOMA using this as a base and tweaking it further to better suit the game imo. I'm half way through playing SOMA so it seems to work on all areas. Hit me up if u want to try it! :)

2 Dec 20:32 CET

@soul_beat - So about that SOMA preset...I'd have made it for ReShade 3 last night, but I couldn't get SOMA to start. I tried the fixes I found online, but nothing worked. I'll try again eventually.

28 Nov 02:38 CET

Ha! Not yet. I'm currently making one for Last Light. SOMA is after that! Promise...;)

28 Nov 00:05 CET

Any luck with the preset? Can't wait to get into SOMA :) Btw, I tried you Replicant preset on Sleeping Dogs Defintive Edition and I think it fitted perfectly. Kinda brought to mind the visual style of the movie "In The Mood For Love" which is also set in Hong Kong. Have a try if u have the game :)

26 Nov 18:59 CET

I will, thanks so much!

26 Nov 17:36 CET

Any number of things could cause it. I'll have to tune the preset specifically for SOMA. Check back later today. :)

26 Nov 07:32 CET

Got it to work & it looks good, but somehow all the brightest whites turn to black, any ideas what might cause that?

25 Nov 09:58 CET

Tried it for SOMA, but can't seem to get reshade to work with it :/ Any ideas?

25 Nov 06:57 CET

Lol! I'll reinstall SOMA tomorrow and see if I still like the preset I made for it, though I'm sure this one will work just as well. That's all I do for the most part now - tweak the same preset per individual game. You could probably use this one for SOMA since they're similarly dark, creepy games.

24 Nov 18:50 CET

Thanks again for the beautiful work! Installed this little while ago so here's a good reason to start playing! Any news on the SOMA preset? :)

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