Is it exclusively SweetFX that causes the blackscreen?
I've had that happen with the Dolphin Emulator that I use to play LoZ: Twilight Princess.
It's completely fixed now. Since then, I've changed from using other people's SweetFX 1.5 presets to making my own ReShade Framwork presets.
The difference is the ReShade 1.1.0 injector.
But, judging by the Far Cry presets being SweetFX 2.0 and Framework already, that shouldn't be a problem.
So, um..... Just butt around with the compatibility settings or something. Most people don't think of this, but
maybe try an injector. I don't really enjoy Ubisoft games, so I can't say what the particular issue is.
Also, you could try making your own presets with the latest ReShade framework. It's surprisingly easy to learn. It's just a bunch of sliders for every post-process option imaginable. They come with descriptions and *cookies.
WhiteWolf, man.
You seem to have created a duplicate of the game in the SweetFX preset list known as 'Far cry Primal', when the actual (you know because it has one of the 'big-shots' in it) is 'Far Cry: Primal', and it already has like 4 presets. Here:
And that negative exposure..... I'll never understand presets that are mostly either negative exposure or >1 gain with nothing to counter-act it. Is your guys' monitors THAT bright? How does the light blue BG of this site not force you to wear 3d glasses made of that near-opaque glass stuff that's used in red wine bottles?
Then again, most other people do the opposite with vibrance & saturation, so I guess I should just accept fate.