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Assassin's Creed Origins

Entry created by phroZac
Added Oct. 28, 2017

Game presets

Preset Added By Screenshots Downloads Shader
*2018 Graphics Overhaul Full Release Jan. 19, 2018 AssassinsDecree 20 3402 ReShade
ACO by Alonz Color Correction&Clarity V2 Nov. 24, 2017 Alonz73 24 1425 ReShade
AC:O ReShade preset by SliK April 22, 2018 SliK 7 740 ReShade
~ ANIMUS FX ~ v1 Oct. 28, 2017 phroZac 21 4345 ReShade
assasin March 31, 2018 e.elshami0 0 636 SweetFX 2.0
Assassin's Creed Origin Rebirth Reshade Feb. 26, 2018 yytssln 15 2080 ReShade
♛★ Best Preset (5 fps impact) ★♛ Feb. 22, 2018 sidapy 4 1184 ReShade
BestSharp&Shadow ;) Nov. 2, 2017 XgmoneydtX 18 2599 ReShade
BM-ACO March 11, 2018 bahram 6 730 ReShade
Bogo's Preset Nov. 2, 2017 Bogo_366 10 2146 ReShade
Cinematic Realism Lighting Overhaul-DoF Dec. 14, 2017 AssassinsDecree 9 1627 ReShade
Clear Egypt (how vanilla should look) Aug. 6, 2018 JadedDarkness 10 1015 ReShade
ColoringFD Jan. 9, 2018 Fataldodo 4 2477 ReShade
CryLight V2 Feb. 10, 2018 Radu_Radu2017 3 836 ReShade
Dusk Reshade Oct. 29, 2017 Mr.Fatman 6 762 ReShade
FantasticWorld Feb. 23, 2018 LCI911 12 977 ReShade
HDR+ by WOS Dec. 26, 2017 Wordingofspay 11 1258 ReShade
Holy Cinematic Aug. 31, 2018 noeffort 17 818 ReShade
Jetseb config Jan. 21, 2020 jetseb 10 755 ReShade
KRAKENDO Jan. 5, 2018 KRAKENDO 14 1066 ReShade
Lore-Friendly Enhancer w/CineEffects&DoF Oct. 31, 2017 AssassinsDecree 25 1613 ReShade
Natural Light and Sharp v2 Oct. 31, 2017 XXLpeanuts 11 6398 ReShade
Natural Lighting and Sharpening Oct. 30, 2017 XXLpeanuts 4 920 ReShade
no Blurry Dec. 22, 2019 MZAGY 12 732 ReShade
Photorealism & Cinematic Effects w/DoF Dec. 22, 2017 AssassinsDecree 23 2003 ReShade
Rivai's - Light & Color Nov. 15, 2017 Rivai 14 1450 SweetFX 2.0
SLIM 420's AC ORIGINS CINEMATIC RESHADE March 22, 2018 slim420 10 788 Other
*Sugar & Spice ReShade Vibrant/Cinematic June 5, 2018 AssassinsDecree 10 897 ReShade
The Origin March 26, 2021 Riged_Sausage. 12 567 ReShade
True HD Dec. 23, 2017 Enigma 4 936 ReShade
V 1.6 For the Brotherhood w/DoF Dec. 4, 2017 AssassinsDecree 16 1601 ReShade
Vibrant Nov. 12, 2017 burnhollywood 8 1237 ReShade


8 Oct 16:34 CEST

Take a look, friend, here's my Nexus upload of a ReShade collection which I'll be contentiously expanding: https://www.nexusmods.com//mods/1&game_id=2610

4 Oct 12:54 CEST

Hey any of you guys going to make presets for Odyssey?

21 Aug 22:14 CEST

it's a relief to see so much ACO presets with reshade. thank god i love reshade. hate sweetfx till i die. -_-

10 Apr 13:25 CEST

Someone please make preset with HDR enabled on HDR display? :)

27 Mar 00:45 CEST


Ok understandable

I have tried 3 different Reshades and they all present different but serious artifacting unti I turn HDR off.

But I still like the look of HDR better so keeping that instead.

And like you said, someone needs to make a Reshade with HDR already enabled :)

26 Mar 14:11 CEST

It depends on what effects the ReShade presets are using. HDR affects levels mostly, and a lot of presets already add a ton of contrast, blowing out the whites and making shadows even darker for instance. The preset will need to be made with HDR enabled in order to avoid most conflicts.

26 Mar 12:43 CEST

I can confirm 100% that HDR and all these Reshade mods do not work well together. If I have them both enabled there is serious artifacting and strange image/colors all over the screen until one of OR both HDR or reshade is disabled.

I have decided to keep HDR enabled and Reshade off because that offers the best looking colour/realism.

26 Mar 03:14 CEST

Anyone here using a HDR display with HDR enabled and also any of the Reshade mods? Please let me know thnx

10 Mar 20:57 CET

!!!Read this if you are still looking for a solution to run reshade without crashing!!!

I have to create an account for this as i still see people are struggling with the problem that i was once dying to find a solution: CANNOT PASS THE SPLASH SCREEN if reshade is enable.

I tried every solution that people posted all over the internet but NO FREAKING CHANCE. What i did to make the game work was simply downloading RivaTuner and enable the Custom Direct3d support. That's it!

You can turn off all other things in Riva Tunner to gain more performance when running the game.

Hope everyone else can solve the problem and have fun playing the game.


6 Mar 02:14 CET

A note to all. If you use TiltShift in your presets, it may not scale correctly to users with different resolutions than what you made the preset on.

25 Feb 06:44 CET

@AssassinsDecree, thank you so much for that repository. You saved my ass ;)

Now, i will start to test some presets. Yours have a very good look :D

24 Feb 23:03 CET

Hey Muzaman, really glad to hear the older files work. Save a copy somewhere on your HDD and keep it safe, since you can run the .exe with any other games too, but who knows if they repository will be gone one day.

And you should be ok with mixing the .dll with new shaders since shaders ported that are outside the one's provided by the standard reshade framework seem to have no problems. For example, my Fisheye/Chromatic Aberration effect isn't part of the standard resahde package, I downloaded a ported version for 3.0 framework and it works great so far.

24 Feb 06:26 CET

Ok guys, i tried with every reshade 3.0 version and the only ones that work for me are v3.0.4, v3.0.5 and v3.0.6.

As in v3.0.6 i get an error when i try to download files, i used v3.1.1 "reshade-shaders" folder and v3.0.6 "dxgi.dll" file in my game folder.

Everything seems to work fine, but i have doubts about mixing these files i will lose reshade functionalities (shaders missing, error codes...).

24 Feb 04:48 CET

Again, what phroZac said. I did just think of something that worked for me for fixing an different issues with ReShade. Try an older version of 3.0 framework. Specifically, 3.0.8.

her'es the repository of the older versions, 2.0, 3.0, everything: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/8ar1jhh1809cl/ReShade_Repository

24 Feb 03:19 CET

@muzaman - You can if you wanna spend a little time learning ReShade, lol. All the shaders in 3.0 are in the previous version but in .cfg files. All you have to do is find the shaders you like from 3.0 in those .cfg files and copy over the values from whatever preset you want. It's a bunch of editing values in several text files outside of the game. Best way to work like that is in windowed mode so you can easily make tweaks, and then recompile to refresh your preset to see what changes your edits make.

23 Feb 20:37 CET

Thanks for answering AssassinsDecree. Renaming the files has no effect to me. phroZac's preset works perfectly, so like arn1994, resahde 3.0 framework is the problem here. Is there any possibility to use phroZac's reshade with other presets on this website? From what i see, the file system is totally different.

23 Feb 14:28 CET

That sounds really crazy. I've never heard of any problem with reshade like this. Perhaps it is being caused by something other than resahde? In my experience either reshade will crash the game before it launches, right after the splash screen, so the actual game never actually comes up with the effects loaded, or it won't crash at all.

Did you try renaming the files as mentioned below? You're using resahde 3.0 framework right? If so, try phroZac's preset instead, as his uses and older version of reshade that seems to have far less compatibility issues.

23 Feb 13:19 CET

I have the same problem as arn1994. I install rehsade, load the preset, quit the game and i can't past menu screen. If i restart the computer i can go back to the game.

20 Feb 17:23 CET

What phroZac said.

19 Feb 20:32 CET

ANIMUS FX is made with an older version of ReShade. I updated my own to 3.0, I just haven't bothered posting it. Are you installing 3.0 when using other presets built using it?

19 Feb 14:48 CET

So, as I've figured out - my ACO can only work with ReShade Framework, no usual Reshade (with .txt or .ini configs).
That's why I can't start the game using your Reshades.
For example, ready compiled Reshade by
phroZac (ANIMUS FX v1) starts normally :(
Why the hell is this happening?!

19 Feb 13:52 CET

Okay, man, I'll to do my best.
Thanks a lot for your help.
I'll respond later what results I've got.

18 Feb 06:46 CET

Here's a repository of old rehsade 3.0 releases, just follow the guy's links in the top post: https://reshade.me/forum/general-discussion/294-reshade-repository-new-host

18 Feb 06:43 CET

Anyway, I would reinstall resahde or try even ReShade version 3.0.8, rather than the current version. You need to make sure there are actually files in the textures and shaders folders, of course, which seems to be your only problem now.

You can fix this by either reinstalling reshaded and saying "yes" when it asked if you want to download a collection of shaders or effects or whatever it says.

18 Feb 06:41 CET

That leaves me to believe it's crashing for some other reason, unrelated to resahde, but I could be wrong.

18 Feb 06:40 CET

The fact that you're seeing the resahde menu come up in game is good, as long as it's not crashing anymore. Try veryifying your game files too, as getting to a logo screen THEN crashing is never what i've experienced with resahde. It's either the game is going to crash before it ever launches or it's going to load and you'll get the menu and perhaps the folder structure is incorrect.

18 Feb 06:39 CET

No effects found... hmm.. that can only mean one of two things:

A) You don't have reshade looking in the right place for it's texture and shader folders

B) You have it looking in the right place but those folders are misnamed or empty...

In the reshade settings' menu you can set the file paths manually.

1) Make sure you have a reshade-shaders folder.

2) The textures folder path should be: "... "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Assassins Creed Origins\reshade-shaders\Textures" and Shaders' folder should be "... C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Assassins Creed Origins\reshade-shaders\Shaders"

Minus the quotes.

18 Feb 01:41 CET

I tried to delete some files aand...
It starts now!
But I guess I've deleted conflicted files.
That's what I get

18 Feb 00:55 CET

Thanks, AssassinsDecree.
All of the overlays are disabled;
Borderless window mode is also On;
DLLs' are renamed as you've written here;
In-game brightness is also setted up to default value...
Config is R5 1600x 4.1Ghz, ROG GTX1080, RAM G.Skill 3200.
But reshade's still stuck my game on game logo and won't go further.
Really strange, still can't find the solution...

13 Feb 06:57 CET

How to disable uplay overlay: https://www.reddit.com/r/watch_dogs/comments/26lt8x/psa_try_disabling_uplays_ingame_overlay_if_your/

How to disable Steam overlay: Right click on the game in your library, click properties, and uncheck steam overlay.

13 Feb 06:55 CET

Also, try disabling the Uplay overlay and Steam Overlay (if you own the game through steam).

13 Feb 06:54 CET

This is really strange. I've never ran into a problem starting any game with reshade that couldn't be solved with the fixes I mentioned. Try running the game in compatability mode or something?

Try all the fixes I list in my 2018 Graphics Overhaul Please:

1. For me, the game crashes if I use any form of ReShade or SweetFx in fullscreen mode. So you must enable borderless window mode to use ReShade if yours also crashes when trying to load the game with Reshade enabled.

2. Recently I've needed to rename my reshade files, "dxgi.ini" and "dxgi.dll" to "d3d11.ini" and "d3d11.dll", respectively, to get the game to stop crashing on launch.

3. Use the in-game screen calibration setting to adjust your UI to fit into the letterbox (black bars)

4. I've tested and optimized this ReShade for the game's default in-game brightness. Tested on Ultra settings.

12 Feb 00:26 CET

dude, same proble, I can't run my Origins, it always stuck on game logo and don't go further. After deleting the Reshade files it starts just fine. Rename the files didn't help. I also made a borderless windowed mode but it seems nothing's can help me solve this problem

11 Feb 16:59 CET

*updated, not upgraded. I've been on Windows 10 the whole time.

11 Feb 16:58 CET

That applies to all games now for some reason. It started happening right after I upgraded Windows, so take that for what yo will.

7 Feb 00:22 CET

[b]Recently I've needed to rename my reshade files, "dxgi.ini" and "dxgi.dll" to "d3d11.ini" and "d3d11.dll", respectively, to get the game to stop crashing on launch.[/b]

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