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The Elder Scrolls Online

Entry created by Sekta
Added March 1, 2014
SweetFX game notes:
Reshade Framework: Run Mediator.exe and add eso.exe in the left box. Select your preset in the right box. If no Reshade framework version exists of your preset, manually recreate it in the GUI. Do NOT press 'Push to Application' in Mediator. The game will crash due to the anticheat, triggered by the .h file extensions of the shaders.

Game presets

Preset Added By Screenshots Downloads Shader
Advanced Neat Perfection (2021) April 26, 2014 Nyzoka 10 39111 ReShade
An Epic FX by Terawatt || Final Version April 23, 2014 Terawatt 12 2323 SweetFX 1.4
BDU - Vivid 1.2 Sept. 10, 2014 BornDownUnder 36 2074 SweetFX 1.5
Betterplay - Real Lighting and Color Feb. 13, 2017 JumperXxS 29 1213 SweetFX 2.0
Betterplay - Real Lighting and Color 2.0 March 1, 2018 JumperXxS 16 1604 SweetFX 2.0
Betterplay - Ultra Lighting and Color Feb. 11, 2017 JumperXxS 25 1190 SweetFX 2.0
Borderline Immersion Aug. 6, 2017 Viriyath 21 1041 ReShade
CHIM Oct. 2, 2023 Ruse 12 253 ReShade
Colors Corrected Sept. 8, 2015 BAITness 10 1645 ReShade
Colourful and Crisp April 5, 2014 shurchil 0 2699 SweetFX 1.4
COLOURFULLL!! May 21, 2017 ComradeRashka 1 1343 ReShade
` CozyFX Redux 2018 April 7, 2015 Revolvere 4 2427 ReShade
[ Cozy Preset ] ESO x64 ReShade Version June 12, 2016 Swiz 1 3085 ReShade
Dark and Immersive June 12, 2017 Puretek 11 1015 ReShade
Dark & Cinematic I July 1, 2016 Snuspresten 8 1030 SweetFX 2.0
Defog 1.0 May 19, 2014 Aphex 5 2010 SweetFX 1.5
Ebonheart Reshade May 15, 2017 Neonexus 5 1704 ReShade
Elegant May 18, 2014 Teilijan 4 1332 SweetFX 1.5
Erathis' ESO May 28, 2014 Erathis 9 1352 SweetFX 1.5
ESO April 15, 2014 jamestjordan87 0 1425 SweetFX 1.5
ESO 2016 BEST LIGHTING AND COLOURS!!! Aug. 25, 2016 tharindu1707 0 1279 ReShade
ESO: Fantasy - Final Aug. 13, 2015 PC_Constantine 5 1865 ReShade
Fada enhanced v1 June 7, 2018 ninjafada 11 842 ReShade
Frankyb´s HDR eso April 28, 2014 senjin 3 1964 SweetFX 1.4
Glorified Morrowind - Balanced June 7, 2017 freakuacv 33 1181 ReShade
Increased Colour & Sunlight V1 April 9, 2016 Zerioraa 7 1108 SweetFX 1.5
ksTL's TESO Reshade Feb. 21, 2017 kstl669 4 982 ReShade
Less Blue Jan. 11, 2015 BAITness 2 971 SweetFX 1.5
Magic is back in Tamriel Feb. 14, 2015 zoraswe 8 1425 GemFX
Maleficus Preset June 28, 2014 Maleficus 10 1486 SweetFX 1.5
Mandatory Settings: ESO - WIP Oct. 16, 2015 PC_Constantine 2 1368 ReShade
MTechpark Preset V1 - ESO May 24, 2015 multitechnopark 0 974 SweetFX 1.4
MY MORROWIND 3.0! by scryo51 Aug. 3, 2017 Scryo51 3 878 ReShade
MY TAMRIEL by Scryo51 UPDATED 30.01.2016 June 28, 2015 Scryo51 9 983 SweetFX 2.0
`NaturalFX - Outdated March 20, 2015 Revolvere 4 3427 SweetFX 2.0
Nordic Winter April 16, 2014 Case 5 1289 SweetFX 1.4
Pure March 16, 2014 Xaxius 11 1633 SweetFX 1.4
Realistic ESO April 17, 2014 Kazox 4 1440 SweetFX 1.4
Realistic ESO v2.1 April 18, 2014 Kazox 6 3680 SweetFX 1.4
[Reshade 3.0.5] Eso x64 Nov. 12, 2016 baoh 8 2388 ReShade
[Reshade 3.0.6] Heavens Light Jan. 26, 2017 BleedingHeart_FoolishPride 22 2435 ReShade
[ReShade] Eodan Oct. 12, 2017 -Eodan- 1 1120 ReShade
[Reshade 3.0] HD Contrast & Colour July 14, 2017 Chlamydia1 12 2383 ReShade
[Reshade 3] ESO Realism (64 and 32 bit) Nov. 13, 2016 driftingashes 5 2422 ReShade
Sandhya's Sekta Edit May 1, 2014 Sandhya 5 1362 SweetFX 1.5
SCG - ESO Re-Enhanced HD Realism Feb. 15, 2016 SplitCoreGaming 15 1811 ReShade
Scroll of the Elders - Fantasy Oct. 14, 2021 Karda222 16 410 ReShade
Scrolls of the Elders Feb. 5, 2020 Karda222 31 774 ReShade
-| Serious Light |- Jan. 22, 2017 Furrek524 9 1258 ReShade
SovngardeESO ReShade Preset Nov. 24, 2017 DDiabetes 13 873 ReShade
Stratejacket Gaming - Cinematic Fantasy Feb. 15, 2017 Tierney11290 9 975 ReShade
Subtle-Fantasy June 19, 2018 evilmp762 6 720 ReShade
Tamriel Bliss v1.1 April 27, 2014 ss-89 13 2768 SweetFX 1.5
TESO_OptiGFX_1.0 April 3, 2014 nFiXx 9 1862 SweetFX 1.4
test April 1, 2020 BYRedex 3 496 ReShade
[UBER] Fidelity Suite: ESO Edition II Nov. 18, 2016 xiorath 25 6064 ReShade
Ultra Real Lighting and Colors May 30, 2016 JizargoLikesKittens 1 1096 SweetFX 2.0
Vision SFX April 29, 2014 amoebae 38 3365 SweetFX 1.5
` VividFX Redux 2018 July 13, 2017 Revolvere 4 2590 ReShade
`VividPreset - Outdated June 5, 2015 Revolvere 25 1888 SweetFX 2.0
VOGUE FX Oct. 9, 2016 FrostofHeaven 2 1115 ReShade
Warm, Sharp & Contrasty Aug. 10, 2014 wickwire 9 1319 SweetFX 1.5
wickwire's Cool Preset Aug. 10, 2014 wickwire 4 1180 SweetFX 1.5
Xerrok's ESO ReShade 3.0.7 Preset April 8, 2017 Xerrok 4 2017 ReShade
Xerrok's ESO ReShade 3.0.7 Preset v2.0 April 13, 2017 Xerrok 8 1851 ReShade


28 May 04:49 CEST

Do this to get it working: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1NsKZ4yFQ8

Rename .h files and update config as well as manually copy SweetFX to the client directory.

16 Jul 19:29 CEST

Basically TL;DR you need to use work-around methods, 1.5.1 SweetFX (or older),or ReShade Framework to get SweetFX/Shaders to work with ESO ATM. The anti-cheat doesn't like .H files and won't let the game start with them.

I'll also be making a preset for this game eventually. Although I think this game actually looks pretty good stock.

16 Jul 19:24 CEST

So I finally just got this game and i'm really enjoying it like a lot of you and just wanted to share some stuff about SweetFX, Reshade and Framework about this game:

First thing is that the developers actually made exceptions in the anti-cheat for SweetFX. This is really welcomed and I love that they did this, but they didn't anticipate Reshade+SweetFX coming out with the shaders all using .H files. These .H files trigger off the anti-cheat and the game will not launch.

Now I've learned of a few ways to work-around this. One is the method shared by Marcmy (I think!) which revolves around changing the endings of the shader files to .shader like they were with the old injector. This does work.

Another way was shared on the Reshade forums which revolves changing where the Reshade.FX is finding the shaders. You move them to the base directory and link the reshade.FX file to them effectively making the anti-cheat not realize they are there (because it only picks up stuff in the .exe location). This also works.

And the third and the method I recommend the most is to use ReShade Framework. The Framework actually puts a link-file(excuse the non-developer terms here) that directs reshade to shaders located else-where on your pc. Meaning that you don't have to have them in the game .exe location at all. This is also all done with a user-friendly(or almost user friendly, it's still a little rough) Mediator GUI similar to what was seen in GEMFX. I recommend this method because you don't have to bother with renaming or working around the anti-cheat in any-way. You just use the mediator to install the framework with all its 70+ shaders!

Anyways hopefully that helps some people out. I don't think people even know of framework yet.

28 Jun 23:25 CEST

I installed reshade/sweetfx like in the tutorial up there and i can start teso and Alt+Tab and put the files into it. Sweetfx and reshade works but after i played i went through a problem. If i walk arround (mostly if i sprint) the screen freezes for a view secounds but the game is still running. Another strange thing is that the shadows/lights freeze not synchron with the game. even if i turn sweetfx off, reshade still gets this problem... It would be really cool if someone can help me! It looks freaking amazing with reshade/sweetfx but i cant play with this problem.

24 Jun 20:28 CEST

Kabusha, I was doing this too with a batch file but it's not necessary. Check my last comment, the reason the game was crashing was because of the shader extension files were .h which apparently ESO doesn't like. Once I renamed them to .shader (which it was in SweetFX 1.5) and then changed the occurrences in the Main.h shader file, it didn't crash anymore. I posted a link with the latest ReShade (and my own personal preset). Hope this helps.

23 Jun 05:31 CEST

OK, Patch Made.
First (on app launch) it moves the files to the store directory.
Then once the game is started, it puts the stuff back in place after the timeout has elapsed.
When you quit the game the files are placed in the store directory again.

Nests in Notification Area and Comes with a nice Ping once it's done patching or un-patching (can be turned of)


22 Jun 22:44 CEST

ESO is crashing with ReShade because of the shader files extensions. I've renamed them all to .shader and fixed the occurrences in the main shader file. Uploaded here http://tinyurl.com/ocf95ef

7 Apr 00:01 CEST

I can confirm that Reshade w/ SweetFX 2.0 does work per installation instructions. Albeit, way buggy and lots of crashes. It's such a bummer because SweetFX 2.0 is so easy to work with.

5 Apr 00:48 CEST

ESO has protection when it will crash if there are foreign files in the game directory. The protection ignores .dll and .log files so you can keep Reshade loaded but you have to alt-tab out of the game after already opening it and put the SweetFX files into the game folder and then switch resolutions to load the SweetFX files.

31 Jan 08:47 CET

Is there any way to get Reshade working with ESO? It just crashes on startup.

8 Sep 22:25 CEST

Just an FYI also... you can use 3d helix mod with this too... just add #define external_d3d9_wrapper = 3d_d3d9.dll and rename helix mod's d3d9.dll to 3d_d3d9.dll in settings.

8 Sep 22:22 CEST

For those that are having issues, do not use the 64-bit dlls that are included. When I used them, they stopped sweetfx from working. Also, if you want to verify sweetfx is working, since the pause button isn't working on this preset, go into the settings and temporarily put "1" in "#define USE_SPLITSCREEN". That will verify it's working.

22 Jun 23:14 CEST

Oh and Sekta,
Sekta's_Custom_SweetFX_1.4_RadeonPro does indeed have .h extensions. I'm renaming them all as well to see if it will cease crashing. The issue I was having earlier is my fault, entirely. I was downloading the 1.51 Launcher version. I downloaded the 1.4 and now the RPro will recognize the files, but when I launch the game, it crashes immediately. I've done all else correctly; pointed created an ESO profile by pointing to ESO.exe, went to the launcher tab and set customer launch parameter to BethesdaLauncher.exe, went into settings and pointed to SweetFX folder that resides within ESO's game client folder, enabled FXAA Ultra, Applied to profile etc.

22 Jun 20:04 CEST

Nothing I do, in-game, changes lighting, HDR, Saturation, Black/ white point etc. only sharpness, in other words...despite the preset file I use or what I specify as my own settings.

22 Jun 20:02 CEST

Gosh, I wish I could tell if it was running. I got everything going, per, the instructions and then noticed a big, fat, yellow FPS counter on the upper left...this is how I knew things were working. So, understanding that the "-" key on the number pad enables/ disables it, I hit "-" and got a sharp picture. I then it "-" again and got a blurry, but smoother picture...but despite any presets I use e.g. I use my own settings, exaggerating effects by any levels (sometimes, extreme settings just to see a difference) or if I use someone else's settings, importing it into RadeonPro, it looks EXACTLY the same, with the "-" key only changing from sharp with more apparent jaggies, to blurry with less apparently, but blurry jaggies.

22 Jun 02:31 CEST

just to clarify... ESO won't work at all with the normal SweetFX 1.5.1?

19 Jun 07:35 CEST

My custom sweetFX does not have .h extensions. What are you downloading?

14 Jun 20:07 CEST

I really dont know what to do more.
First I tried method1, the easiest method. Works fine with D3D9, but SFX doesnt enable if I change to D3D11.
Than, I tried method2. Downloaded ever using sekta's links and downloading SFX1.4 custom do RadeonPro, the game crash on begining, than I remember to check Shades folder and all files had extension ".h". As I remember, the game will crash if there is any file with extension .h.
So I changed all.
The game doesnt crash anymore, I saw in top corner in my screen "sweetFX enabled/disabled" when I pressed ScrollLock, but on my screen, nothing changed.
On method2, even with D3D9, SFX doesnt enable.

I using a Win7 64 Home Premium with a GeForce 550ti.

11 Jun 19:25 CEST

@Sekta SweetFX works with win8.1 Dx10/11 if you use Radeonpro, which was also in the FAQ under the same answer I might add... Just letting you know.

5 Jun 01:03 CEST

Hi Sekta...
I noticed ESO version now is 1.1.3.
Something changed.
Now SFX works fine with D3D9 and I can see ghosts.

But should work too with D3D11 on Win7 64 right?

4 Jun 23:55 CEST

Try installing the directx end-user runtime

4 Jun 01:04 CEST

Sekta, do you know if there is something you can do?
Because is wierd SFX works with D3D9 on Win7 64, but doesnt work with D3D11

4 Jun 00:18 CEST

...in D3D11 I should have added.

4 Jun 00:17 CEST

8.1 doesn't work with any SweetFX. There is an injector being worked on for 8.1, called eFX but that's a long way away.

From the SweetFX FAQ: The dxgi.dll needs to be updated to support some DXGI changes that Win8.1 introduced.

3 Jun 18:34 CEST

Hi Sekta, out of curiosity, what's causing Direct3D11 to not work with (your) SweetFX in Win8.1? Any chance we could see that change?

2 Jun 05:00 CEST


The SFX only works when I change D3D11 to D3D9 in usersettings, but with this, I cant see transparent mobs


2 Jun 02:11 CEST

Only the custom without overright?
I will try and post what happened.

2 Jun 00:26 CEST

You need to use my custom sweetfx version otherwise the game will instantly crash.

1 Jun 17:39 CEST

Hi Sekta. I deleted all files and "re-install" SFX.
I got the SFX,put all files on ESO folder and overright all with your custom.

But now, the client always crash.
If I didnt right, I couldnt use SFX before 1.1.2 right?

31 May 02:29 CEST

That's not right. Make sure you have installed it properly. Method 1 is the same as a normal SweetFX install for any other game. Try following a Youtube guide to make sure you have done it correctly.

29 May 21:20 CEST

Sekta, I'm using Win7 64 and method 1 with D3D11 didnt work.
The game starts without SFX enabled and scrolllock isnt working.

29 May 06:36 CEST

Yeah I noticed D3D9 is broken after Patch 1.1.2. Ghostly enemies are completely invisible and particle effects clip have weird clipping issues. You can use D3D11 with Method 1 as long as you don't have Windows 8.1.

28 May 20:06 CEST

After patch 1.1, ESO doesnt work fine with D3D9. Only if i change do D3D11 I can see ghosts or transparent mobs, but SweetFX on method 1 install, only works with Set D3D9.
I tried method 2, but my ESO always crash.

There will be a fix to method 1 works with D3D11 or a fix where I can see transparent mobs?

25 May 13:18 CEST

Sorry that has RadeonPro FXAA + SweetFX active. Here is normal game at 4k downsample with AA disabled: http://i.imgur.com/URvPdLa.jpg

25 May 13:15 CEST

Here is 4K downsample with AA off: http://i.imgur.com/3SFKaCT.jpg

25 May 12:16 CEST

The only solution is to downsample. The game is mostly cpu-bound so you should be able to downsample from atleast 1440p to 1080p with the same FPS.

25 May 10:43 CEST

Im not sure about Nvidia but AMD's "override" aa setting is for DX9 only and you are forced to use "enhance application settings" for DX10/11. Enhance requires the application to have it's traditional AA applied but ESO doesn't have traditional AA sadly. Only some crappy FXAA or TXAA.

24 May 05:06 CEST

I have tried to force AA but haven't had success. Tried forcing profiles in RadeonPro but haven't found one that works yet. All I have found so far is gw2.exe is a better crossfire profile than Force AFR. Maybe Nvidia users can find a working AA profile in Inspector.

23 May 01:09 CEST

how do we use AA/AF now that the client is fullscreen? would it work with 'Nvidia Inspector' app? I guess not since Radeon Pro would override, right.

17 May 14:45 CEST

You need to download and install the DirectX redist

17 May 09:18 CEST

I tried it without sweetfx but i still saw black.

Now I'm using your preset with method 2 and everything works fine.

17 May 00:20 CEST

Have you tried d3d9 without sweetfx? it's most likely a driver issue. You only need to use d3d9 to get gaussian blur to work so if you don't use a preset with gaussian blur just leave it at d3d11.

17 May 00:18 CEST

It knows to use the settings because the modified DirectX .dll is in the game directory. Games will always use the .dlls in the game directory over the system ones.

16 May 23:32 CEST

And by "Play the game as normal." do you mean start using the ESO launcher?

How does ESO "know" to use the SweetFX settings?

16 May 21:07 CEST

well, links doesn't work.

Here for copy and paste:





16 May 21:05 CEST

yes the files are in the right place, the effect works with "d3d11" and looks like this:


but when I change the settings to "d3d9", it looks like this:


16 May 20:07 CEST

For option 1 do you extract the files exactly "as is" and leave the folder structures in place?

15 May 15:15 CEST

.. I tried Method 1 with Sektas Cinematic Preset btw.

15 May 15:13 CEST

Got a black background when I change the user settings to "d3d9". any help?

15 May 02:25 CEST

Did you download my custom Sweetfx? the regular one will crash instantly.

15 May 01:19 CEST

Followed instructions for Option 1 adn get this error:

eso has stopped working.

version = 0.01

ProductName = eso
Version = eso.live.
branch = live
client.executablebits = 32
client.mode = startup
client.renderertype = D3D9
client.session_start_timestamp = 2014-05-14T23:18:24.888Z
client.timestamp = 2014-05-14T23:18:28.335Z -frme 1-
cpu.arch = 0
cpu.count = 4
cpu.level = 6
cpu.type = 586
data.depotid = 4000
data.dir = F:/The Elder Scrolls Online/depot/
data.syncm = databuild
data.version = 0.win.0.live.984657
exe.buildnum = 984657
exe.opt = release
exe.reltype = public
exe.type = client
gfx.description =
gfx.deviceid = 4544.644233282.161
gfx.driver = nvd3dum.dll
gfx.vendorid = 4318
mem.physical = 16333
os.osbits = 64
os.platform = windows
os.version = 6.1.7601.Service Pack 1
ptime = 0
reportfield.ver = 3
version.major = 1
version.patch = 0
version.subpatch = 7

14 May 06:53 CEST

Thanks Sekta this works perfect.

14 May 01:25 CEST

Make this change to your UserSettings.txt, SET GraphicsDriver.7 "D3D9" and then follow method 1.

13 May 14:20 CEST

Would it work if*

13 May 14:19 CEST

So say it doesn't work with 8.1 without using RadeonPro? Would if work if you make the Compatibility mode to Windows 7?

13 May 01:46 CEST

RadeonPro requires:
- FXAA enabled
- SET GraphicsDriver.7 "D3D11" in UserSettings.txt

13 May 01:33 CEST

disregard previous note.. worked after reboot

13 May 01:23 CEST

weird, sweetfx via radeon pro not working as of latest patch 1.08, not sure it's something on my side

12 May 23:16 CEST

I have no idea sorry.

12 May 15:54 CEST

Is there any way to change the screenshot output format from .BMP to .JPG? (this would save about 7.5mb per screenshot)

12 May 11:10 CEST

Hmm...try enabling SMAA. SMAA use to be a requirement. You can make it so SMAA has zero impact on the image if you set it's threshold to 1.00

12 May 10:59 CEST

Copied everything inside the "SweetFX 1.5.1" into the game's directory. Run the game but see no changes. Do i need to press anything else to enable the effect ?

12 May 10:54 CEST

Hi thanks for the reply.
Do i copy this file "SweetFX 1.5.1" into the client folder or the files inside the folder "SweetFX 1.5.1" into the client folder.

12 May 10:42 CEST

Just run the game as normal. All the files are in the game's directory so they will get injected automatically.

12 May 09:37 CEST

instruction ended with replacing user settings with preset. What do i do next ? Run ESO normally ? Please a full instruction is appreciated. I never use sweetFX before.but i do manage to work it out with radeonPro. My main issue is trying to run it without RadeonPRO. Please help....

12 May 09:37 CEST

instruction ended with replacing user settings with preset. What do i do next ? Run ESO normally ? Please a full instruction is appreciated. I never use sweetFX before.but i do manage to work it out with radeonPro. My main issue is trying to run it without RadeonPRO. Please help....

12 May 08:50 CEST

how to i get this to work without radeon pro. i copy the custom sweetfx 1.5 to game/client then what should i do next?
the instruction is not clear.

11 May 10:28 CEST

Fixed crash with DX11 as I didn't add my formula to the DX11 file. Added 64bit dlls in case people want to use this sweetfx pack on other games.

11 May 01:32 CEST

Added colorblind correction shader

10 May 15:11 CEST

Uploaded new custom SweetFX 1.5.1 for ESO. Full compatibility with ESO. Using Boulotaur2024's injector. Chromatic Aberration v1 + v2 (Color Shift), Gaussian Blur (Unsharp Mask, Bloom), Film Grain.

9 May 04:15 CEST

The FPS meter is from RadeonPro. Not SweetFX itself. RadeonPro does a lot more than just allow SweetFX to work. It's a monitoring tool, fps limiter/smoother, video recorder, screenshot capture, replacement for AMD control panel, etc.

9 May 02:04 CEST

Nvm I figured it out I must of forgotten you shutoff Radpro. But is there a way you show a fps meter on Sweetfx 1.5?

9 May 01:58 CEST

Quick question, How do I turn on the fps meter. Last night I switched to sweetfx 1.5 and had the meter on and in the lower right corner where it was w 1.4, but today its not showing. Am I missing something.

8 May 14:03 CEST

Didn't notice any difference at all in effects and FPS is the same. Cyrodiil with 200 people on screen may be different though...

8 May 10:47 CEST

Added method 3 for windows 8.1 users. Change renderer to dx9 to get sweetfx working without radeonpro. Don't know the exact downsides yet, haven't checked for missing effects or benchmarked it.

7 May 12:17 CEST

mega maybe using geo location to serve the links from certain data centers. Now, if you're located on one thats up for your location then i would imagine it would be fine, here in the UK though its troublesome.

6 May 01:43 CEST

Added lots of mirrors for my SweetFX. No idea why people have trouble with Mega. It's working for me.

5 May 23:39 CEST

nevermind my question, I found duplicate screenshots in my install folder, which did take the SweetFX settings into account. Is there any way to change the format from .BMP to .JPG? I can do that for the normal screenshots that go to the My Documents Folder through an add on for ESO called JPEGScreenshot, but that doesn't alter the SweetFX screenshots in the install folder.

5 May 22:46 CEST

Hello, just a quick question; I now have SweetFX working with v1.5, but how do I create screenshots with SweetFX active? All the screenshots I make turn out to be saved without the SweetFX setting being taken into account (ie. they look like the default/vanilla quality of ESO)
Thanks in advance for answering,

5 May 16:12 CEST

Hello Sekta, thanks for you're work but i have an issue you're link on mega for you're custom FX don't work for me.
Can you make another link please ?
Sorry for my english it's not my native

3 May 09:45 CEST

Big update.
Uploaded a new custom SweetFX version for RadeonPro specifically. Now RadeonPro can use 2 new Luma Sharpen patterns and 4 new Curve formulas. Deleted all unnecessary files and cleaned up valid value ranges so that all shaders and all options are fully tweakable in RadeonPro.

Benefits over official 1.4: Cartoon edge slope, 2 new high quality lumasharpen patterns, fixed DPX adjustment, ability to set negative values for most shaders, individual RGB vibrance control, 5 new Curve formulas, 2 new Vignette styles, a working Border shader with options to get cinematic look, all shaders updated to 1.5.1.

2 May 17:08 CEST

Sure does. It's just not as good because it requires FXAA which ruins text. Do note that FXAA is usually never required to make post-processing work in a game. The only games where this has been the case that I know of are ESO and Path of Exile.

2 May 15:55 CEST

Does Method 2 work for windows 7 as well?

2 May 13:33 CEST

The links are working fine for me.

2 May 13:32 CEST

You could load 1.5 version presets with my custom 1.4 version but you would have to untick any shader that doesn't exist in 1.4 such as explosion, levels, chromatic aberration. Better yet, delete those calls from the settings file by removing the #define USE_ lines so that RadeonPro doesn't crash or anything.

2 May 08:55 CEST

Is there a way I could PM you instead of spamming in the comments here?

2 May 08:54 CEST

Link seems to be broken mate :/ Once I click on download it says " decryption error ".

2 May 08:51 CEST

Thanks a lot Sekta for the comprehensible explanation! I will download your version of 1.4 right away. So, in basic terms, this means that any preset out there using sweetFX version 1.5 I can't use? Or could I load 1.5 presets with your version of 1.4?

2 May 00:51 CEST

They are the same except 1.4 does not have individual RGB control for vibrance and is missing any calls to the extra shaders, which doesn't matter as the preset didn't use them in the first place.

RadeonPro can only use 1.4, don't even try 1.5 as most of the effects won't work. Just use my modified 1.4 as it has all the 1.4 shaders updated to 1.5 and fixed the value ranges for RadeonPro. Example, normal 1.4 has broken DPX in RadeonPro because you can't change most of the values from default as the valid value range is from 0.60 to 0.20 instead of 0.20 to 0.60.

1 May 14:51 CEST


1 May 13:21 CEST

would love to know that as well, or if it is possible to integrate multiple versions of sweetfx into RadeonPro? Or would one have to change the root folder over and over again when using different presets designed for different versions?

1 May 12:27 CEST

Anyone know if the 1.4 presets work the same with SweetFX 1.5? I'd rather skip having to use RadeonPro, but some of these 1.4 presets look really nice.

1 May 02:33 CEST

Cool thank you.

1 May 02:10 CEST

If you are doing method 1: SweetFX goes in the game folder where eso.exe is located. ESOLauncher goes where ever you want. You have to launch the game from ESOLauncher.

30 Apr 13:31 CEST

What I meant to say was "Can I please have some instructions". :)

30 Apr 13:28 CEST

Can I please how some instructions, like where do I install ESOLauncher and SweetFX? I know I place the ESOLauncher files in the same directory as eso.exe but what about SweetFX? Sorry just a little confused because I have never used SweetFX. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks Joe

29 Apr 19:11 CEST

Hi ! not the same look for me with the 1.5 version :(

28 Apr 04:25 CEST

On my question below, perhaps I need to disable in-game AA if SMAA is enabled via SweetFX? Just realized that could be doing it - both of them at the same time...

28 Apr 04:22 CEST

Anyone notice text isn't quite as clear with SweetFX? I'm on Win 7, not using RadeonPro, so no FXAA. In fact, I can disable every single option in SweetFX and it still seems to make text look a tiny bit worse than without it. If you toggle SweetFX on and off, and look at the text, you will see the difference.

Any idea how to make text unaffected by SweetFX?

24 Apr 18:20 CEST

This morning the link works :).
But I have the same error with SMAA.h and I dont understand your solution Sekta :(. With the *.h files, the game crash; and with the *.shader files the game doesn t start.

24 Apr 01:45 CEST

Hello, the link to download Sorien's SweetFX 1.5: http://goo.gl/4nlCo8 doesn't work :(...

22 Apr 23:06 CEST

You might have some old SweetFX leftovers. Download a prevous sweetfx you attempted earlier. Copy it in, replace all. While the sweetfx files are still highlighted, press delete. Now copy in Soriens SweetFX.

22 Apr 12:10 CEST

I have an error with Sorien's SweetFX : G:\TESO\The Elder Scrolls Online EU\game\client\d3d9.fx(74,10): error X1507: failed to open source file: 'SweetFX\Shaders\SMAA.h'

But in the Shaders folder there is no file SMAA.h, only a file called SMMA.shader.

22 Apr 04:22 CEST

You can now use SweetFX directly if you don't have Windows 8.1, thanks to Sorien. New method listed in description.

16 Mar 23:08 CET

Is There any other way to get SweetFX working in this game? I'd love to use it but I don't want to go through the hurdles of Installing RadeonPro and all that.

Any answer is appreciated.

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