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Located below are instructions on how to install files associated with the three shaders I use for reshade presets. Those shaders are: MultiLUT.fx, LUT.fx, and/or Layer.fx. The majority of the time a preset of mine will just contain one shader either MultiLUT.fx or LUT.fx. At times Layer.fx will be used accompanying either MultiLUT.fx or LUT.fx, never both. This in mind at most my presets will contain only 2 shaders; on the rare occasions maybe 3 if the game has poor or no anti-aliasing options. The reason I only use 1 to 2 shaders is for better optimization; giving the game a better look without the sacrifice of performance. This also makes these presets accessible to all players, meaning because of little to no impact with game performance. anyone, no matter how lean or beefy their computer hardware is, can use it. Another benefit is because all effects are done in a single MultiLUT, LUT, and/or layer file, this frees up access to Reshade’s shaders to users; if they want to add other effects. It is a win/win all around. MultiLUT.fx To install, save the MultiLUT file from image gallery (In the first row of images), go to where Reshade is installed (Game’s directory). Place the file in reshade-shaders/Textures/ folder. Rename the file to “MultiLut_atlas1.png”. This will overwrite the file with the same name, if one does not want to overwrite the original file, back it up first. Load the game, make sure MultiLUT.fx is enabled, and it should recognize the installed file LUT.fx To install, save the LUT file from image gallery (In the first row of images), go to where Reshade is installed (Game’s directory). Place the file in reshade-shaders/Textures/ folder. Rename the file to “lut.png”. This will overwrite the file with the same name, if one does not want to overwrite the original file, back it up first. Load the game, make sure LUT.fx is enabled, and it should recognize the installed file Layer.fx To install, save the Layer file from image gallery (In the first row of images), go to where Reshade is installed (Game’s directory). Place the file in reshade-shaders/Textures/ folder. Rename the file to “Layer.png”. This will overwrite the file with the same name, if one does not want to overwrite the original file, back it up first. Load the game, make sure Layer.fx is enabled, and it should recognize the installed file This has been my objective since I first created presets in the program SweetFX. This objective was further solidified by the user Stakado on the Nexus Forum even before first uploading a preset on this website. This: Stakado Cinemascope ENB in 2013/2014 for Skyrim was a catalyst to further that doctrine already purpose driven in my mind. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/15425 After having experience with both SweetFx and Reshade programs, I humbly think this is an extremely effective way to increase a game’s graphical fidelity without sacrificing game performance. This more than likely will be enough to help performance with most; that said, here are two optional configurations for Reshade. 1. Manually install shaders that you need; doing this rather than automatically downloading many shaders through reshade’s initial run can help load times with game launch and navigating the menu. One can download base reshade shaders here. It also has instructions on how to manually install. https://github.com/crosire/reshade-shaders 2. When enabling a preset, make sure performance is checked at the bottom corner. With newer versions of Reshade one can map this feature to a designated character/symbol on the keyboard. -peace out

Game presets

Preset Game Added By Screenshots Downloads Shader
absonant incubus Silent Hill 3 Nov. 1, 2018 MarvelousSagacity 33 650 ReShade
Asari's Gentility Mass Effect 2 Nov. 3, 2019 MarvelousSagacity 49 690 ReShade
Auntie’s Succor Shaolin vs Wutang Feb. 19, 2020 MarvelousSagacity 30 500 ReShade
autonomous_regulation Code of Princess Sept. 5, 2016 MarvelousSagacity 59 748 SweetFX 2.0
Bakuto's Gaman ^annex Yakuza 0 Nov. 3, 2019 MarvelousSagacity 50 613 ReShade
caliginous vivification Dead or Alive 5 Last Round July 6, 2016 MarvelousSagacity 99 1175 SweetFX 1.5
Chilled Enmity Def Jam Vendetta Sept. 10, 2020 MarvelousSagacity 51 461 ReShade
Critical Mass - ezzo Mass Effect 3 Sept. 24, 2022 MarvelousSagacity 53 261 ReShade
Crusaders's✊Frisson Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection July 10, 2018 MarvelousSagacity 29 713 ReShade
darK Kombat Mortal Kombat X Nov. 19, 2016 MarvelousSagacity 52 809 SweetFX 2.0
deathly ennead Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition Nov. 19, 2016 MarvelousSagacity 20 1122 SweetFX 2.0
descent's egress Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code Oct. 15, 2016 MarvelousSagacity 27 828 SweetFX 2.0
Draco's Requital Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara April 11, 2018 MarvelousSagacity 33 651 ReShade
Duck King of Fighters The King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match Nov. 14, 2017 MarvelousSagacity 24 916 ReShade
Emblazon the Blue BlazBlue Continuum Shift Extend Nov. 9, 2015 MarvelousSagacity 103 739 SweetFX 1.5
Fatalism's Fatality『 MK 』 Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection Dec. 1, 2018 MarvelousSagacity 15 556 ReShade
Immortal Eminence Injustice Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition June 5, 2021 MarvelousSagacity 43 383 ReShade
Jill's Cafard Resident Evil 3 - Nemesis (1999) Aug. 25, 2018 MarvelousSagacity 42 640 ReShade
juridic⚔curtana The Last Blade 2 May 28, 2018 MarvelousSagacity 19 636 ReShade
mephistophelean eden GUILTY GEAR Xrd SIGN Jan. 14, 2016 MarvelousSagacity 90 895 SweetFX 1.5
nascence's wraith UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH Exe Late Oct. 15, 2016 MarvelousSagacity 27 806 SweetFX 2.0
nekura Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 Oct. 15, 2016 MarvelousSagacity 27 1273 SweetFX 2.0
opulent_maven The King of Fighters XIII Nov. 14, 2017 MarvelousSagacity 24 861 ReShade
Orochi's Malignity TheKingOfFighters'98 Ultimate Match Final Edition June 17, 2018 MarvelousSagacity 30 641 ReShade
Peremptory Khanate 『 MK II 』 Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection Dec. 1, 2018 MarvelousSagacity 21 567 ReShade
pernicious umbra Resident Evil 2 (1998) Aug. 25, 2018 MarvelousSagacity 42 629 ReShade
Plucky Parody Justice League Heroes June 5, 2021 MarvelousSagacity 29 321 ReShade
Quixotic Juvenescence Young Justice Legacy June 5, 2021 MarvelousSagacity 25 327 ReShade
Rectitude's Veil Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 Feb. 6, 2020 MarvelousSagacity 22 523 ReShade
Resplendent Dynamism Power Rangers – Battle for the Grid Jan. 29, 2020 MarvelousSagacity 30 471 ReShade
Sacred Valiance Jade Empire: Special Edition Aug. 9, 2021 MarvelousSagacity 56 348 ReShade
Sayama's Solemnity Yakuza Kiwami 2 Jan. 22, 2022 MarvelousSagacity 81 321 ReShade
sigmoid_vane BLADE ARCUS from Shining Battle Arena Aug. 4, 2016 MarvelousSagacity 89 724 SweetFX 2.0
sphenoidal_debutantes SkullGirls 2nd Encore Feb. 13, 2016 MarvelousSagacity 80 699 SweetFX 1.5
Tellurian's Testament 『 UMK 3 』 Mortal Kombat Arcade Kollection Dec. 1, 2018 MarvelousSagacity 21 607 ReShade
vivacious justness Injustice Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition Nov. 19, 2016 MarvelousSagacity 37 1189 SweetFX 2.0