SweetFX Settings DB
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Game presets

Preset Game Added By Screenshots Downloads Shader
Desaturated Goodness for ReShade World of Warcraft Feb. 4, 2015 NeoLithicJay 3 1580 ReShade
Proudi´s - Awesome FX Wolfenstein: The New Order Feb. 4, 2015 Proudi 9 1950 SweetFX 2.0
SkySaga Vibrant with Cartoon SkySaga - Infinite Isles Feb. 3, 2015 SweetFXDen 3 758 SweetFX 1.5
Proudi´s - Awesome FX The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena Feb. 3, 2015 Proudi 7 1397 SweetFX 2.0
Proudi´s - Awesome FX The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay Feb. 3, 2015 Proudi 7 1125 SweetFX 2.0
Titanfall Contrast & Sharp Titanfall Feb. 3, 2015 N3xus4lpha 8 924 SweetFX 1.5
Dark POD: The Last of Days v0.5 POD: Planet of Death Feb. 3, 2015 Darkriot 27 754 SweetFX 1.5
IllogicalCat's for ReShade World of Warcraft Feb. 2, 2015 Devla 3 1683 Other
The New Hotness H1Z1 Feb. 2, 2015 Drast 2 814 SweetFX 1.4
MECHS (A) Grey Goo Feb. 1, 2015 Noirze 8 933 SweetFX 1.5
DEATH (N) Dying Light Feb. 1, 2015 Noirze 16 1050 eFX
DEATH (A) Dying Light Feb. 1, 2015 Noirze 18 1328 eFX
Fahrenheit Sweet-FX 1.5.1 Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered Jan. 31, 2015 EngineGamer 7 1247 SweetFX 1.5
Alien Breed 3: Descent Sweet-FX 1.5.1 Alien Breed 3: Descent Jan. 31, 2015 EngineGamer 10 947 SweetFX 1.5
Proudi´s - Grand FX Area 51 Jan. 30, 2015 Proudi 5 939 SweetFX 1.5
Proudi´s - Awesome FX Edna & Harvey Harvey's New Eyes Jan. 30, 2015 Proudi 5 912 SweetFX 2.0
Photorealism V.2.00 ( Update) Resident Evil / biohazard HD REMASTER Jan. 30, 2015 iglesio7gamer 11 1647 SweetFX 1.5
lighting tweak Dying Light Jan. 30, 2015 euge 10 1074 Other
Cookie's Preset Dying Light Jan. 30, 2015 cookie 4 967 SweetFX 1.5
Neverwinter Nights 2 graphics conversion Neverwinter Nights 2 Jan. 29, 2015 jackofbladees 2 2172 SweetFX 1.5
Proudi´s - Awesome FX The Dark Eye Chains of Satinav Jan. 29, 2015 Proudi 5 881 SweetFX 2.0
Proudi´s - Awesome FX A New Beginning - Final Cut Jan. 29, 2015 Proudi 5 1114 SweetFX 2.0
Proudi´s - Awesome FX The Night of the Rabbit Jan. 29, 2015 Proudi 7 926 SweetFX 2.0
End of the World Grey Goo Jan. 29, 2015 iGhost4U 10 912 SweetFX 1.5
Vanilla Enhanced Dying Light Jan. 29, 2015 daAmazinFatB0y 9 1075 SweetFX 1.5